Cemetery Transcriptions
In order to view the memorial associated with the individual please click on the highlighted name. This will link you to a photograph of the person’s headstone. To the left of the names are the biographical transliterations of the stone. These are taken from the Hebrew on the stone and writtten phonetically to the best of the webmasters capabilities. The transliterations that say “Unreadable, Further Translation Needed” are unable to be read and therefore deciphered. The webmaster will be making rubbings of the unreadable stones the next time he visits the cemetery in Shenandoah Heights. If you find mistakes in the translation of the stone, a correction needs to be made, or you are able to translate a stone that has not yet been translated please contact us at ianpsinger@gmail.com and/or cindy.eisner@gmail.com. Credit to Bill Simons for the provision of the photographs
Abeloff, Charles; Zundel ben Mordecai; Husband of Ruth (Janowitz) Abeloff; Father of Howard (interred as an infant in Frackville), Frederic (interred in Allentown, PA) and Maxine (Abeloff) Wachsman; Brother of Joseph (interred in Shillington, PA), Sarah and Samuel Abeloff (Interred in Shillington, PA)
Abeloff, Mary (Prensky); Mara bat Reb Yicheal Michel; Wife of Max Abeloff; Mother of Charles, Joseph Thomas (interred in Shillington, PA), Aaron H. (interred in Harrisburg, PA), Sarah and Samuel Abeloff (Interred in Shillington, PA)
Abeloff, Max; Mordecai ben Reb Avraham Yitzchak; Husaband of Mary (Prensky) Abeloff; Son of Isaac and Deborah Abeloff; Father of of Charles, Joseph Thomas (interred in Shillington, PA), Aaron H. (interred in Harrisburg, PA), Sarah and Samuel Abeloff (Interred in Shillington, PA)
Abeloff, Ruth (Janowitz); Rivka bat Tadram; Wife of Charles Abeloff; Mother of Howard (interred as an infant in Frackville), Frederic (interred in Allentown, PA) and Maxine (Abeloff) Wachsman; Daughter of Isadore and Lillian (Ittleman) Janowitch; Sister of Bernard, Isadore and Herman Janowitch
Abeloff; Sarah; Daughter of Max and Mary (Prensky) Abeloff; Brother of Joseph (interred in Shillington, PA), Sarah and Samuel Abeloff (Interred in Shillington, PA); 02/19/1912 ~ 03/24/1912; Need photograph
Abeshaus, Jennie; Died July 24, 1906; Daughter of Louis and Rachael/Rose (Clibanoff) Abeshaus; Sister of Samuel A. and Mollie Abeshaus, Sadie (Abeshaus) Weinschel, Zelda (Abeshaus) Kivitz, and Rose (Abeshaus) McGuire
Abrams, Alice; 1926 ~ 1932; Daughter of Louis and Elizabeth Abrams; Sister of Jacob Abrams (All of Mahanoy City)
Abrams, Allen; Reb Abraham ben Reb Shmuel; Son of Samuel and Hilda (Unknown) Abrams; Husband of Rose (Israel) Abrams; Brother of Elmer Abrams; Brother in Law of Ethel Abrams
Abrams, Dorothy; Dvora bat Rabbi Shimon Gershon; Wife of Max. L. Abrams; Maiden name Falkowitz; Need more information
Abrams, Isadore; Abrams, Isadore (2); Son of Alan Abrams and Rose Aaron Abrams; Husband of Lena Weiss Abrams; Father of Sheryl A. Abrams, David Abrams, and Robert Abrams; Brother of Samuel Abrams
Abrams, Lena (Weiss); Daughter of Samuel and Sarah Gable Weiss of Pottsville; Sister of Louis, Max, Phil and Isadore Weiss; Wife of Isadore Abrams; Mother of Sheryl A. Abrams, David Abrams, and Robert Abrams
Abrams, Max L.; Mordecai Leib ben Rabbi Avraham; Husband of Dorothy Abrams
Abrams, Rose (Israel); Ruchel bat Reb Yitzchak; Wife of Allen Abrams
Abramson, Rose; Rayzel bat Reb Avraham; Wife of Lewis Abramson; Mother of Stillborn Abramson
Abramson, Stillborn; Son of Lewis Abramson and Rosie Siswein; Born/Died: November 26, 1913; Need photograph (Could be one of the “Unreadable” Hebrew stones listed at the bottom of this list)
Alpert, Dora; Born ~ 1835; Died September 10, 1907; Mother of Joseph Alpert; Need photograph (Could be one of the “Unreadable” Hebrew stones listed at the bottom of this list)
Alpert, Joseph; Aged 30 Years; 1887 ~ 1907; Son of Myer and Dora (Scanlan?) Alpert; Brother of Mildred (Alpert) Yarowsky
Alshutz, Anna R (Auerbach?); Chana Rayza bat Reb David Alshutz; Daughter of David and Lena (Auerbach?) (Died in Europe); Mother of Bernard Alshutz
Alshutz, Bernard; Ahron Baruch ben Reb Eliezar; Son of Louis and Anna (Auerbach?) Alschutz; Husband of Hattie (Shepowich) Alshutz; Father of David H., Fannie Alshutz and Lillian Alshutz and Rose (Alshutz) Meshel
Alshutz, David H.; David Chaim ben Reb Ahron Baruch; Son of Bernard and Hattie Alshutz; Husband of Rose (Shusterman) Alshutz; Brother of Lillian and Fannie Alshutz and Rose (Alshutz) Meshel
Alshutz, Fannie; Fayna bat Reb Ahron Baruch Alshutz; Daughter of Bernard and Hattie Alshutz; Sister of David H. and Lillian Alshutz and Rose (Alshutz) Meshel
Alshutz, Hattie (Shepowich); Aita Gita bat Yehuda; Husband of Bernard Alshutz; Mother of David H., Fannie, and Lillian Alshutz and Rose (Alshutz) Meshel; Shepowich family from Luzerne County
Alshutz, Lillian; Leah bat Ahron Baruch Alshutz; Daughter of Bernard and Hattie Alshutz; Sister of David H. and Fannie Alshutz and Rose (Alshutz) Meshel
Apple, Allan S.; Avraham Zelig ben Moshe Yitzchak; Son of Morris I. Apple and Bess (Harris) Apple
Apple, Joseph; Yosef ben Reb Moshe Yitzchak; Son of Morris and Jeanette (Friedberg) Apple (Died in Europe); Father of Morris I. Apple, Husband of Lena Apple
Apple, Lena; Shifra Leah bat Yitzchak; Mother of Morris I. Apple, Wife of Joseph Apple
Apple, Morris I.; Moshe Yitzchak ben Yosef; Son of Joseph and Lena Apple, Father of Allan S. Apple
Apple Klitzner; Bessie; Basya bat Sholom Shachna; May 26 , 1918 ~ October 26, 2013; Wife of Morris Apple; 2nd Wife of Jacob Klitzner; Mother of Allan Shepherd Apple and Janice (Apple) Malett; Daughter of Simon Samuel Harris and Bertha (Kaplan) Harris; Sister of Sarah Rebecca (Harris) Malett; Emanuel (Mendel) Harris and Dorothy (Harris) Pollack;
Aranoff, Gussie; Ganassah bat Zelman; Wife of Louis Aranoff; Mother of Harry and Maurice Aranoff
Aranoff, Harry; Hillel ben Reb Aryah Leib HaKohen; Son of Louis and Gussie Aranoff; Brother of Maurice Aranoff
Aranoff, Louis; Aryah Leib ben Reb Moshe HaKohen; Husband of Gussie Aranoff; Father of Harry and Maurice Aranoff Aranoff, Maurice; Moshe ben Reb Ari Leib HaKohen; Son of Louis and Gussie Aranoff; Brother of Harry Aranoff
Arnoff, Fannie (Kaplan); Feigal bat Avraham Zelig HaKohen; Wife of Max Arnoff; Daughter of Abraham Zelig and Sara Rebecca (Bradebord) Kaplan, Sister of Michel, Isadore (Buried in Hazleton), Morris and Baby Kaplan, Anna (Kaplan) Supowitz-Troy, and Bertha (Kaplan) Harris
Arnoff, Max; Menachem Mendel ben Ahron David; Husband of Fannie Arnoff
Aronoff, Anna; Eshka bat Reb Ahron; Wife of Samuel Aronoff; Mother of Florence Aronoff
Aronoff, Burton; Aronoff, Burton (2); Ben Zion ben Yitzchak; Son of Isadore and Sophie Aronoff; Brother of Eleanor (Elke) Aronoff and Mollie (Aronoff) Suden and Sylvia R. Aronoff-Miller
Aronoff, David; 1890 ~ 1910; David ben Reb Eliahu; Brother of Isadore and Samuel Aronoff and Mollie Schoor
Aronoff, Eleanor/Elke; 1913 ~ 1925; Daughter of Isadore and Sophie Aronoff; Sister of Burton Aronoff and Mollie (Aronoff) Suden and Sylvia R. Aronoff-Miller
Aronoff, Florence; Oct. 23, 1924 ~ Oct. 25, 1924; Daughter of Samuel and Anna Aronoff
Aronoff, Isadore; Yitzchak ben Reb Eliahu; Son of Elias and Fannie Aronoff; Brother of Samuel Aronoff; Husband of Sophie Aronoff; Father of Burton Aronoff and Sylvia R. Aronoff-Miller
Aronoff, Samuel; Simcha ben Reb Eliahu; Brother of Isadore Aronoff; Husband of Anna Aronoff; Father of Florence Aronoff
Aronoff, Sophie (Abeshaus); Chasha bat Reb Dov Ber; Daughter of Burton and Sophie Abeshaus; Wife of Isadore Aronoff; Mother of Burton Aronoff and Sylvia R. Aronoff-Miller
Aronoff-Miller, Sylvia R.; Sheina Ruchel bat Reb Yitzchak; Daughter of Isadore and Sophie Aronoff
Atkins, David; David ben Reb Moshe Atkins; Son of Morris and Sylvia Atkins, brother of Bette, Henry (Hime), Levi, Mary (Atkins Havison) and Edith Atkins
Atkins, Morris; Moshe ben Reb Yikutiel; Husband of Sylvia Atkins; Father of David, Bette, Henry (Hime), Levi, Mary (Atkins Havison) and Edith Atkins
Atkins, Sylvia (Sorin); Tzipa Atkins bat Reb David; Wife of Morris Atkins; Mother of David, Bette, Henry (Hime), Levi, Mary (Atkins Havison) and Edith Atkins
Auerbach, Nathan; October 10, 1881 ~ June 13, 1929; From Philadelphia; Son of Bernard Auerbach and Sophia Rubin
August, Abner; June 6, 1958; Born in Russia on January 17, 1886; Parents names unknown; Plumber from Frackville
Baron, Benjamin; Benyamin ben Reb Moshe; Husband of Reiva Freedline Baron; Father of Richard Jay Baron
Baron, Reiva Freedline; Rasha Bat Yehuda Leib; January 12, 2008; Daughter of Leonard and Fanny Freedline of Minersville; Wife of Benjamin Baron; Mother of Richard Jay Baron;
Baron, Richard Jay; Son of Benjamin and Reiva/Reba (Freedline) Baron
Berger, Jennie; Shayndel Molly bat Reb Avraham; Daughter of Abraham Siswein and Mollie (Baer) Siswein; Wife of Samuel Berger; Sister of Rosie, George, and Israel Siswein; Mother of Isadore Berger
Berger, Samuel; Shmuel ben Reb Yitzchak HaLevi; Husband of Jennie Berger; Father of Isadore Berger
Bernstein, Sylvia Ufberg; Sheina bat Baruch; Need more information
Berson, Dorothy (Dora) Ufberg; Dvora bat Yaakov Micheeli; Wife of Paul Berson; Daughter of Jacob and Minnie Berson; Sister of Alfred, Dr. David D., Dr. Max M., and Samuel Berson
Berson, Ida (Krim); Chaia bat Moshe Berson; Wife of Samuel Berson; Mother of Paul Berson and Sylvia (Berson) Finkelman, daughter of Pauline Krim, sister of Harry, Louis and Benjamin Krim
Berson, Paul; Pesach ben Simpson Boorston; Son of Ida and Samuel Berson; Husband of Dorothy Ufberg Berson; Brother of Sylvia (Berson) Finkelman
Berson, Samuel; Zelman ben Rebbi Yosef Berson; Husband of Ida Berson; Father of Paul Berson and Sylvia (Berson) Finkelman
Bloch, Bessie (Seletznick); Batya Rayzel bat Reb David Bloch; Daughter of David and Unknown Seletznic; Wife of Jacob Bloch; Mother of Gertrude, Samuel, Dorothy, Feigel, Harry, Nathan, Abe Martin, and Max Bloch
Braude, Sadie (Rudberg); Sara bat Yikutiel Rudberg; Wife of William Braude; Daughter of Charles and Julia (Goldberg) Rudberg; Sister of Nathan, Harry, and Israel Rudberg and Rae (Rudberg) Rich
Brown, Frances Louise; 1896 ~ 1995; Daughter of Harry and Etta Wolowitz, Sister of Abraham, Alice and Pvt. Lillian Wolowitz, and Hannah Wolowitz, and Jeanette (Wolowitz) Balk, and Berta (Wolowitz) Mehr; Need more information
Coffee, Lenore; 1908 ~ 1913; Daughter of Mrs. Selma Coffee; Sister of Pauline, Freda, Rachel, Herman, Abby, and Florence Coffee; Family from Mahanoy City
Davison, Bessie (Shapiro); Batya bat Reb Reuven; Wife of Leonard J. Davison; Mother of Bernard, Sidney and Jules S. Davison and Ruby Davison Fogel; Daughter of Ruben Shapiro and Edith Ravmansky(?) (Parents died in Europe)
Davison, Bernard T. “Bud”; Davison, Bernard T. “Bud” (2); Baruch ben Reb Yaakov Elizer HaLevi; Son of Leonard J. and Bessie Davison; Brother of Sidney Davison and Ruby Davison Fogel; Husband of Suzanne Marie NeVertts
Davison, Gabriel; Gabriel ben Reb Mordecai HaLevi Davison; Brother of Leonard J. Davison
Davison Weisbrod, Gertrude (Kempner); January 29, 1922 ~ March 7, 2015; Wife of Jules Davison; Daughter of Isaak and Rachel Kempner; 2nd Husband was Dr. Laurence Weisbrod of Shenandoah
Davison, Jules S..; Yehuda ben Ren Yaakov Eliezar HaLevi; Son of Leonard J. and Bessie Davison; Brother of Sidney and Bernard Davison and Ruby Davison Fogel; Husband of Gertrude Kempner Davison Weisbrod
Davison, Leonard J.; Yaakov Eliezar ben Reb Mordecai HaLevi; Husband of Bessie Davison; Father of Bernard, Sidney and Jules S. Davison and Ruby Davison Fogel; Brother of Gabriel Davison; Son of Max Davison and Sara Dumoski(?); Born in Jerusalem
Davison, Max; Mordecai ben Reb Bezalel HaLevi; Husband of Sarah Davison; Father of Leonard J.and Gabriel Davison; Son of Charles Davison
Davison, Sarah (Dumoski?); Sara Rivka Davison bat Reb Mordecai; Wife of Max Davison; Mother of Leonard J. and Gabriel Davison; Need more information
Davison, Sidney; Shimon Davison; Son of Leonard J. and Bessie Davison; Brother of Bernard, Jules and Ruby Davison-Fogel
Davison, Suzanne Marie (NeVertts); Wife of Bernard T. Davison; Need Photograph
Diamond, Helen (Gozinsky); Elka Sheva bat Zvi Hersh HaKohen; Daughter of Harris and Sybil Gozinsky; Mother of Ruth Sylvia Diamond; Sister of Simon, Anna, M.D., Jacob, Isaac, David, and Daniel Gozinsky
Diamond, Ruth Sylvia; Rivka CiCi Diamond; Daughter of Helen Diamond
Director, Sylvia; Tzipora bat Reb Yaakov; Dec. 17, 1893 ~ Jul., 1967; Daughter of Jacob and Esther Ragorotsky (Brooklyn); Sister of Martin and Libby Ragorotsky
Durst, Sarah May; Sara bat Ahron HaLevi; Daughter of Harry and Bessie Levit
Eaton, Joseph; May 15, 1919 ~ May 26, 1919; Yosef ben Reb David; Son of David and Cecilia Eaton; Brother of Marie Eaton; Family from Mahanoy City
Elton, Robert; 1908 ~ 1983; Husband of Ruth Elton; Father of Ronald Elton
Elton, Ruth; 1908 ~ 1979; Wife of Robert Elton; Mother of Ronald Elton
Factor, Louis; Herschel Leib ben Yitzchak; Husband of Rose Factor; Father of Melvin Factor
Factor, Melvin; Son of Louis and Rose Factor; Husband of Laurine Golin (Daughter of Harry and Sophie Golin; Sister of Stanford and Jean Golin; From Mahanoy City)
Factor, Rose; Ruchel Dvora bat Feitel; Wife of Louis Factor; Mother of Melvin Factor
Fein, Celia; Tziryl bat Reb Meyer Hillel; Daughter of Meyer Spoond (Spoont?) and Malka Klitanoff (sp?); Wife of Morris Fein; Mother of Gussie, Julius, Henry, and Benjamin Fein
Fein, Morris, Fein, Morris (2); Moshe ben Eliahu Gershon; Husband of Celia Fein; Father of Gussie, Julius, Henry and Benjamin Fein
Fietelson, Abe; 10/22/1915 ~ 07/19/1916; Son of Hyman and Miriam Fietelson; Brother of Isadore Fietelson; Need photograph
Fietelson, Hyman; Chaim Hersh ben Reb Shmuel Shlama; Husband of Miriam Fietelson; Father of Isadore and Abe Fietelson
Fietelson, Isadore; Yisroael Yaakov Ben Reb Chaim Hersh; Husband of Tillie Fietelson; Son of Hyman and Miriam Fietelson; Brother of Abe Fietelson
Fietelson, Miriam (Abeshaus); Miriam bat Reb Meyer; Wife of Hyman Fietelson; Mother of Isadore and Abe Fietelson; Need more information
Fietelson, Tillie; Tirza bat Yosef; Wife of Isadore Fietelson; Need more information
Finkelman, Joseph J.; Yosef ben David; Husband of Sylvia (Berson) Finkelman; Son of David Finkelman and Ida Rubinsky; Father of Joyce Finkelman; Brother of Paul Fields, Daniel and Sylvia Finkelman
Finkelman, Joyce; Sara bat Yosef; Daughter of Joseph J. and Sylvia (Berson) Finkelman
Finkelman, Martin L. need photo Son of Sylvia and Joseph Finkelman, brother of Joyce Finkelman, grandson of Ida and Samuel Berson
Finkelman; Sylvia (Berson); Sheina Ruchel bat Zelman; Wife of Joseph J. Finkelman; Mother of Joyce Finkelman; Daughter of Samuel and Ida Berson; Sister of Paul Berson
Fletcher, Oscar S.; Ashar ben Reb Zisa; Husband of Annie (Joffie) Fletcher
Fogel, Ruby (Davison); Rivka bat Yaakov Eliezar HaLevi; Wife of Morton Fogel; Daughter of Leonard J. and Bessie Davison; Sister of Bernard, Jules S. and Sidney Davison
Freiband, Annie, Annie Freiband (2); Daughter of Nicholas and Tillie Freiband; Sister of Leo, Samuel, and Bertha Frieband
Fresinski, Fannie; Frooma Feigal Fresinski; Wife of Moses Fresinski; Mother of Simon and Mamie Freskinski; Maiden name unknown (Meyer?)
Fresinski, Mamie; Mara bat Reb Moshe Yitzchak Fresinski; Daughter of Moses and Fannie Fresinski; Sister of Simon Fresinski
Fresinski, Moses; Moshe Yitzchak ben Reb Yicheal; Husband of Fannie Fresinski; Father of Simon and Mamie Fresinski
Fresinski, Simon; Reb Yicheal ben Reb Moshe Yitzchak; Husband of Anna (Savitsky) Fresinski; Son of Moses and Fannie ; Brother of Mamie Fresinski; Father of Leo and Fannie Fresinski
Frieband, Noah (Nicholas); Reb Noach ben Reb Levi Yitzchak; Husband of Tillie Frieband; Father of Leo, Samuel, Bertha, and Annie Frieband (Freiband), Sadie Rudberg, and Rose Wolman; Son of Leo and Hannah Freiband
Frieband, Tillie; Chaia Tauba bat Reb Shlama; Wife of Noah (Nicholas) Frieband; Mother of Leo, Samuel, Bertha, and Annie Frieband (Freiband), Sadie Rudberg, and Rose Wolman; Daughter of Solomon and Anna Greenbaum (Parents died in Poland)
Friedberg, Annie (Levit); Chana Haynda Freidberg bat Reb Aryah Leib; Wife of Max Friedberg; Mother of Isaac and Morris Friedberg;
Friedberg; Hanna (Supowitz); Wife of FNU Friedberg; Lived in Mahanoy City; Daughter of Isaac Supowitz and Fannie Oberson (Interred in Hometown, PA); Sister of Calvin Supowitz (interred in Las Vegas, NV); Need more information; Need Photograph
Friedberg, Isaac; Yitzchak ben Reb Menachem Mendel Friedberg; Son of Max and Annie (Levit) Friedberg; Brother of Morris Friedberg
Friedberg, Joseph; Reb Yosef ben Reb Zvi; Husband of Krone Ette Friedberg; Father of Fannie (Friedberg) Oberson and Morris Friedberg; Need more information
Friedberg, Krone Ette; Krona Aita bat Reb Dov; Wife of Joseph Friedberg; Mother of Fannie (Friedberg) Oberson and Morris Friedberg; Need more information
Friedberg, Max; Menachem Mendel ben Reb Zelig; Husband of Annie (Levit) Friedberg; Father of Isaac and Morris Friedberg
Friedberg, Morris; Moshe ben Reb Menachem Mendel; Son of Max and Annie (Levit) Friedberg; Husband of Rebekah Rumbel (Rentschler); Brother of Isaac Friedberg; Father of Annette Friedberg (Interred in Carlisle, Pa.)
Friedman, Barney A.; Reb Dov Bar ben Rabbi Yaakov Yakel; Husband of Fannie Friedman; Father Irving A. Friedman
Friedman, Bernard; Dov Beryl ben Reb Zvi Hersh Friedman; Husband of Jenny Friedman; Father of Ida and Morris Friedman; Need better photograph
Friedman, Fannie; Freida bat Reb Dov; Wife of Barney A. Friedman; Mother of Irving A. Friedman; Maiden name Harrison; Need more information
Friedman, Harry; Oct. 19, 1918
Friedman, Ida; Nov. 25, 1923; Daughter of Bernard and Jennie Friedman; Sister of Morris Friedman; Need better photograph
Friedman, Irving A.; Yitzchak Isaac ben Reb Dov Bar; Son of Barney A. and Fannie Friedman; Husband of Jean (Levin) Friedman, Father of Ruth Friedman Pierce
Friedman, Isadore; Nov. 10 1923; 29 Years; Lived in Pottsville, Pa.; Unmarried; Son of Joseph Friedman and Hannah (Samus) Friedman; Need better photograph
Friedman, Jean Levin; Ginendel bat Reb Yosef; Daughter of Joseph and Anna Levin; Wife of Irving A. Friedman; Mother of Ruth Friedman Pierce; Sister of Leo and Florence Friedman
Friedman, Jennie; Tauba Gittel bat Raffel Meyer; Wife of Bernard Friedman; Mother of Ida and Morris Friedman
Friedman, Morris; Moshe ben Reb Dov; Son of Bernard Friedman; Brother of Ida Friedman
Garey, M. Norman; Apr. 25 1910 ~ November 2 1914; Son of Albert and Yetta (Wolovitz) Garey (Both interred in Los Angeles, CA); Brother of Daniel, Bernard, and Howard Burton Garey (Interred in Vermont)
Gelb, Leon; Aryah ben Reb Benyamin Gelb; Son of Benjamin & Pearl (Gottesman) Gelb
Gold, Max; Menachem Mendel ben Reb Mordecai; Husband of Sarah Gold; Father of Anna, Milton, and Florence Gold
Gold, Sarah (Smitzer); Sara Rivka bat Reb Rachmiel; Wife of Max Gold; Mother of Anna, Milton, and Florence Gold
Goldin, Bailey (Goldstein); Bailey bat Yitzchak; Daughter of Isaac and Rhea (?) Goldstein; Wife of Harry Goldin; Mother of Abe, Fannie and Max Goldin
Goldin, Bernice; Daughter of Max & Clara Goldin
Goldin, Harry (Archie); Zvi ben Reb Avraham; Brother of Louis Goldin; Husband of Bailey Goldin; Father of Abe, Fannie and Max Goldin; Son of Abraham and Ida Goldin (Died in Lithuania/Russia)
Goldin, Louis; Mordecai Eliezar ben Reb Avraham; Brother of Harry Goldin; Son of Abraham and Ida Goldin (Died in Lithuania/Russia); Husband of Sara Goldin; Father of Harry, Jennie, Fannie, Celia, and Wolf Goldin.
Goldman, Bessie; Daughter of Abraham and Rebecca Goldman; Sister of Joseph Goldman, Morris Goldman, Yetta Ethal Goldman, Cicily Goldman, and Ida/Hilda Goldman; Born 10/22/1907; Died 10/1908; Need photograph
Goldman, Hilda; Hilda bat Avraham Goldman; Died: 1901; Daughter of Abraim and Rebecca Goldman; Sister of Joseph Goldman, Morris Goldman, Yetta Ethel Goldman, Cicily Goldman, and Bessie Goldman;
Goldman, Rebecca/Rifka/Annie (Yusalovich/Gillus (?)); Died: Feb. 27, 1909 (?? headstone clearly reads 1910); Wife of Abraham Goldman; Mother of Joseph, Morris, Bessie, Yetta Ethel, Cicily and Ida (Hilda) Goldman
Goldstein, Samuel; 1909 ~ 1980; Need more information
Golin, Aaron “Sonny” Frederick; May 8. 1923 ~ Jan. 11, 1977; Son of Jack and Ida Golin, Husband of Ruth Frances Friedman; Brother of Baby (James) Golin, Hannah Ellis and Louise S. Klitzner; Family lived in Mahanoy City
Golin, Baby (James); Child of Ida and Jack Golin; Sibling of Louise S. Klitzner, Hannah Ellis and Aaron Golin; Family lived in Mahanoy City
Golin, Ida; Ruchel bat Reb Avraham; Wife of Jack Golin; Daughter of Abraham and Fannie Tulin; Mother of Louise S. Klitzner, Hannah Ellis, Aaron Golin and Baby (James) Golin; Family lived in Mahanoy City; Sister of David, Morris, William, Leon, and Elizabeth (Tillie?) Tulin, and Ruchel Aita bat Reb Avram Tulin
Golin, Jack; 1892 ~ 1974; Husband of Ida Golin; Father of Louise S. Klitzner, Aaron Golin, Hannah Ellis and Baby (James) Golin; Brother of Harry and Benjamin Golin; Family lived in Mahanoy City
Goodman, Edith; 1889 ~ March 13, 1919; Aita Braina bat Reb Simcha HaLevi; daughter of Simon and Deborah (Rappaport) Sigel; Brother of Boruch, John, Louis B., and D. Sigel/Siegel and Rebecca Rosenthal and Bessie Levit
Goodman, Jacob; Reb Yaakov ben Reb Eliezar; Son of Lazarus and Sarah (Podlas?) Goodman; Husband of Sadye Goodman; Father of Lester Goodman, Brother of Max Goodman
Goodman, Lazarus; Eliezar ben Reb Yosef Goodman; Husband of Sarah (Podlas?) – Died in Europe; Father of Jacob and Max Goodman; No record of name of parents; Aged ~ 75 years
Goodman, Lester; April 2, 1921 ~ August 6, 1998; Son of Jacob and Sadye (Topolsky) Goodman
Goodman, Max; Reb Zelman Mordecai ben Reb Eliezar Goodman; Son of Lazarus and Sarah (Podlas) Goodman; Husband of Sarah Goodman; Brother of Jacob Goodman; Father of Jacob Goodman, Max Goodman, Jr., and Ida (Goodman) Tow
Goodman, Sadye (Topolsky); Shendil ben Reb Ephraim; Wife of Jacob Goodman; Daughter of Frank Topolsky and Annette Levin of Philadelphia; Mother of Lester Goodman
Goodman, Sarah; Sara Rivka ben Reb Chaim Yitzchak Goodman; Wife of Max Goodman, Mother of Jacob Goodman, Max Goodman, Jr., and Ida (Goodman) Tow; Daughter of Jacob and Unknown Porthons(?)
Gordon, Simon; Jan. 3 1957; Need more information
Gottesman, Sidney L.; Dec. 22, 1920; Infant son of Alfred Gottesman and Lena (Hornstein) Gottesman.
Gozinsky, Daniel; Daniel Moshe ben Reb Zvi Hersh HaKohen; Son of Harris and Sybil (Weingarten) Gozinsky; Husband of Kittye Eiseman Gozinsky (Buried in Roosevelt Cemetery – Trevose, Pa.); Father of Sabel Gozinsky Barnett (Buried in Mt. Sharon Cemetery – Springfield, Pa.); Brother of Isaac, Anna, David, M.D., Simon, and Jacob Gozinsky, and Helen Diamond and Bessie Fogel and Anna Bohorad (Both buried in Sons of Jacob Cemetery in Hometown, Pa.)
Gozinsky, David; Dov Bar ben Reb Zvi Hersh HaKohen, Son of Harris and Sybil (Weingarten) Gozinsky; Brother of Isaac, Anna, Jacob, M.D., Simon, and Daniel Gozinsky, and Helen Diamond and Bessie Fogel and Anna Bohorad (Both buried in Sons of Jacob Cemetery in Hometown, Pa.)
Gozinsky, Harris; Zvi Hersh ben Reb Daniel HaKohen; Husband of Sybil (Weingarten) Gozinsky; Father of David, Simon, Isaac, M.D., Jacob, and Daniel Gozinsky and Bessie Fogel and Anna Bohorad (Both buried in Sons of Jacob Cemetery in Hometown, Pa.)
Gozinsky, Isaac; Gozinsky, Isaac (2); Yitzchak ben Reb Zvi Hersh HaKohen; Son of Harris and Sybil (Weingarten) Gozinsky; Brother of David, Anna, Daniel, M.D., Simon, and Jacob Gozinsky, and Helen Diamond and Bessie Fogel and Anna Bohorad (Both buried in Sons of Jacob Cemetery in Hometown, Pa.)
Gozinsky, Jacob; Yaakov ben Reb Zvi Hersh HaKohen; Son of Harris and Sybil (Weingarten) Gozinsky; Brother of David, M.D., Anna, Daniel, Simon, and Isaac Gozinsky, and Helen Diamond and Bessie Fogel and Anna Bohorad (Both buried in Sons of Jacob Cemetery in Hometown, Pa.)
Gozinsky, M.D.; Moshe David ben Reb Zvi HaKohen; Son of Harris and Sybil (Weingarten) Gozinsky; Brother of Jacob, Isaac, David, Anna, Simon, and Daniel Gozinsky and Bessie Fogel and Anna Bohorad (Both buried in Sons of Jacob Cemetery in Hometown, Pa.)
Gozinsky, Simon; Simcha Vimel ben Reb Zvi Hersh HaKohen, Son of Harris and Sybil (Weingarten) Gozinsky; Brother of David, Isaac, Anna, Jacob, M.D., and Daniel Gozinsky, and Helen Diamond and Bessie Fogel and Anna Bohorad (Both buried in Sons of Jacob Cemetery in Hometown, Pa.)
Gozinsky, Sybil (Weingarten); Sybil bat Reb Yisroael David; Wife of Harris Gozinsky; Mother of David, Isaac, Anna, M.D., Jacob, Simon, and Daniel Gozinsky and Bessie Fogel and Anna Bohorad (Both buried in Sons of Jacob Cemetery in Hometown, Pa.); Need more information
Greenbaum, Gertrude; June 13, 1900 ~ Dec. 25, 1927; Daughter of Nathan and Annie (Noah?) Greenbaum; Sister of Louis, Abe, Minnie, Ethel, Fannie, Herman, Samuel, and Marion Greenbaum
Greenberg, Benjamin; December 22, 1904; Son of R&M Greenberg
Greenberg, Harry; May 10, 1916; Husband of Lena Greenberg; Father of Joseph, S.(amuel), and Rose Greenberg
Greenberg, Joseph; May 10, 1896 ~ Feb. 19, 1942; Son of Harry and Lena Greenberg; Brother of S.(amuel) and Rose Greenberg
Greenberg, Lena; Born ~ 1878; Leah Greenberg; Wife of Harry Greenberg; Mother of Joseph, S.(amuel), and Rose Greenberg; Need more information
Greenberg, S.; Simcha ben Reb Yitzchak Zvi; (Samuel?), Son of Harry and Lena Greenberg; Brother of Joseph and Rose Greenberg
Greenberg, Tillie; Tauba bat Reb (?); Need more information; Need Rubbing
Gross, Abraham; Reb Avraham ben Reb Shalom Gross; Need more information
Grubert, Jacob; Yaakov ben Noach Hersh; Husband of the late Ida (Levine) Grubert – Interred in New Jersey; Husband of Mary Grubert; Need more information
Grubert, Mary; Miriam bat Yehuda; Wife of Jacob Grubert; Need more information
Guzinsky, Abraham (Abe); Avraham ben Reb Nachum David HaKohen Guzinski; Son of David and Dora (Felma?) Guzinsky; Brother of Philip and Ellis H. Guzinsky; Ex-Husband of Elizabeth (Freedman) Guzinksy
Guzinsky, Bella (Norbitz); Beila bat Moshe; Wife of Morris Guzinsky; Daughter of Maurice Norbitz and Celia Fine Mother of Dorothy and Melvin Guzinsky; Sister of Zena and Pauline Norbitz
Guzinsky, Benjamin; Baruch ben Reb Eliahu Zvi HaKohen; Husband of Tillie. D. Guzinsky; Son of Ellis H. and Esther (Greenwald) Guzinsky; Brother of Sadie, Simon, and Daniel (Gordon) Guzinksy
Guzinsky, Dorothy; 1917 ~ 1923; Daughter of Bella and Morris Guzinksy
Guzinsky, Ellis H.; Eliahu Zvi ben Reb Nachum David HaKohen; Son of Norman David and Dora Guzinsky; Husband of Esther (Greenwald) Guzkinsky; Father of Leo, Sadie, Simon, Benjamin, Leo, and Daniel (Gordon) Guzinsky; Brother of Philip and Abe Guzinsky
Guzinsky, Esther (Greenwald); Esther bat Reb Zvi Hersh; Wife of Ellis H. Guzinsky; Mother of Leo, Sadie, Simon, Benjamin, Leo, and Daniel (Gordon) Guzinsky
Guzinsky, Jacob ; Yaakov ben Reb Shraga HaKohen Guzinsky; Son of Philip and Rose Guzinsky (Philip’s hebrew name was Feyvel Shraga HaKohen); Jacob died on August 10, 1912 at the age of 27 which corresponds to 27 Av 5672; The stone reads as follows: Here lies the male child Yaakov son of Shraga HaKohen Guzinsky; Died 27th Menachem Av 5672, Seven and twenty were the days of your life
Guzinsky, Leo; Meyer Leib ben Reb Yitzchak; Son of Ellis H. and Esther (Greenwald) Guzinsky; Brother of Sadie, Simon, Benjamin, and Daniel (Gordon) Guzinsky
Guzinsky, Morris; Moshe David ben Reb Feivel; Son of Philip and Rose (Greenwald) Guzinsky; Husband of Bella Guzinsky; Father of Dorothy Guzinsky; Brother of Jacob and George Guzinsky
Guzinsky, Philip; Reb Feivel ben Reb Nachum David HaKohen; Husband of Rose Guzinsky; Father of Morris, Jacob, and George Guzinsky; Brother of Abe and Ellis H. Guzinsky
Guzinsky, Rose; Rasha bat Reb Daniel HaKohen; Wife of Philip Guzkinsky; Father of Morris, Jacob, and George Guzinsky; Need more information
Guzinsky, Sadie; Sara bat Reb Eliahu; Daughter of Ellis H. and Dorothy Guzinsky (2nd Wife); Sister of Leo, Simon, Benjamin, and Daniel (Gordon) Guzinsky
Guzinsky, Tillie Dora.; Tillie Dina bat Shamrayhu; Wife of Benjamin Guzinsky; Daughter of Samuel and Toby Block; Sister of Jennie Block Matlow, Charles X. Block; Family from Girardville/Shenandoah
Halpert, R.M.; Raffel Meyer ben Reb Baruch Avraham Halpert; Husband of S.H. D. Halpert; Need more information
Halpert, S.H. D.; Shima Dobra Halpert bat Eliezar; Wife of R.M. Halpert; Need more information
Harris, Bertha; Braina bat Avraham Zelig HaKohen; Wife of Simon Samuel Harris; Mother of Sara Rebecca (Harris) Malett, Emanuel (Mendel) Harris, Bess (Harris) Apple-Klitzner and Dorothy (Harris) Pollack; Daughter of Abraham Kaplan; Sister of Michel (Ike/Isaac), Isadore (Buried in Hazleton), Morris and Baby Kaplan, Anna (Kaplan) Supowitz-Troy, and Fannie (Kaplan) Arnoff
Harris, Emanuel “Mendel”; Harris, Emanuel “Mendel” (2); Harris, Emanuel “Mendel” (3); Chaim Menachem Mendel ben Shalom Shachna; Son of Simon Samuel Harris; Brother of Bess (Harris) Apple-Klitzner, Sara (Harris) Malett and Dorothy (Harris) Pollack; Father of Dr. Ronald Harris and Sharon (Harris) Klein; Husband of Ethel (Factor) Harris
Harris, Simon Samuel; Shalom Shachna ben Menachem Mendel; Husband of Bertha (Kaplan) Harris; Father of Sara Rebecca (Harris) Malett, Bess (Harris) Apple-Klitzner, Emanuel (Mendel) Harris and Dorothy (Harris) Pollack
Havison, Mary (Atkins); Miriam bat Moshe; daughter of Sylvia Sorin Atkins and Morris Atkins, brother of David, Bette, Henry (Hime), Levi and Edith Atkins, mother of Susan Havison
Havison, Max; Mateel ben Reb Nachmia; son of Simon Havison and Rena Gittleman, father of Susan Havison
Hershinson, Henry; Haim ben Yitzhak Tzvi; husband of Mildren Sorin Hershinson.
Hershinson, Mildred (Sorin); Sara Mirel Bat Menachem Mendel, wife of Henry Hershinson, daughter of Max and Rebecca Sorin; sister of David, Reuben, Sylvia, Milton and Joshua Sheila Sorin and of Frances Sorin Goldberg and Ruth Sorin Rosenbaum.
Horowitz, Alice S.; Shema Alyah bat Baruch Mordecai; Daughter of Max and Alice S. Horowitz; Sister of Samuel and Daniel Horowitz and Libbie (Horowitz) Lefkowitz
Horowitz, Daniel; David ben Reb Baruch Mordecai; Son of Max and Rose Horowitz; Brother of Alice S. and Samuel Horowitz and Libbie (Horowitz) Lefkowitz
Horowitz, Frances; Feinah Horowitz (1911 ~ 1927); Daughter of Alter (Aaron) and Julia Horowitz; Sister of Lena, Edna, and Edith Horowitz; Family from Wilkes-Barre
Horowitz, Max; Reb Baruch Mordecai ben Reb Moshe Aryah; Son of Morris and Julia (Grossman) Horowitz; Husband of Rose Horowitz; Father of Alice S., Daniel and Samuel Horowitz and Libbie (Horowitz) Lefkowitz; Brother of Philip (Horowitz) Howitt
Horowitz, Rose; Ruchel bat Menachem Mendel; Wife of Max Horowitz; Mother of Alice S., Daniel and Samuel Horowitz and Libbie (Horowitz) Lefkowitz; Need more information
Horowitz, Samuel; Reb Simcha ben Reb Baruch Mordecai; Brother of Alice S. and Daniel Horowitz and Libbie (Horowitz) Lefkowitz
Howitt, Philip (Horowitz); Reb Feivel ben Moshe Aryah; Son of Morris and Julia (Grossman) Horowitz; Brother of Max Horowitz
Jaffa/Jaffy, Rose (Doren); Daughter of Solomon and Annie Doren; Born Feb. 1, 1839; Died March 14, 1907; Informant of death was I. Orkin; Mother of Rosie (Jaffe/Jaffa) Orkin and Annie Jaffe; Need photograph
Janowitch, Bernard; Dov ben Reb Tadram Janowitch; Son of Morris and Lillian (Ittleman) Janowitch of Mahanoy City; Brother of Isadore, Herman and Ruth (Janowitz) Abeloff; Need more information
Janowitch, Irvin; Need Better Picture; Need more information
Janowitz, Fannie; Feigal Janowitz bat Rabbi Yaakov Yosef; Wife of Morris Janowitz; Mother of Bessie, Ruth, Isadore and Helen Janowitz
Janowitz, Gussie; Gita bat Reb Nachman Janowitz; Need more information
Kandill, Rose Siswein; Rayzel bat Reb Gadol; Daughter of George and Ilene (Silverstein) Siswein; Sister of Harold I. Siswein and (maybe) Shemrat (stillborn boy) Siswein
Kaplan, Abraham Zelig; Avraham Zelig ben Reb Zev; Father of Michel, Isadore (Buried in Hazleton), Morris and (maybe) Baby Kaplan, Anna (Kaplan) Supowitz-Troy, Fannie (Kaplan) Arnoff and Bertha (Kaplan) Harris
Kaplan, Baby; Need more information
Kaplan, Rebecca (Beccie); Rivka bat Reb Avraham; First wife of Isadore Kaplan (Buried in Hazleton); Daughter of Abram Whitman and Esther (Fox) Whitman
Kaplan, Dorothee (Lande); Dvora bat Kalman; Wife of Dr. Max Kaplan; Need more information
Kaplan, Gussie (Seleznick); Golda bat Reb David; Wife of Morris Kaplan; Daughter of David and Sarah Seleznick
Kaplan, Dr. Max; Michel ben Mordecai HaKohen; Son of Morris and Kaplan, Husband of Dorothee (Lande) Kaplan
Kaplan, Michel/Ike/Isaac; Michel ben Reb Avraham Zelig HaKohen Kaplan; Brother of (maybe) Baby, Isadore (Buried in Hazleton), and Morris Kaplan, Anna (Kaplan) Supowitz-Troy, Fannie (Kaplan) Arnoff and Bertha (Kaplan) Harris
Kaplan, Morris; Reb Mordecai ben Reb Avraham Zelig HaKohen; Brother of Michel, Isadore (Buried in Hazleton), and (maybe) Baby Kaplan, Anna (Kaplan) Supowitz-Troy, Fannie (Kaplan) Arnoff and Bertha (Kaplan) Harris; Husband of Gussie (Seleznick) Kaplan
Karns, Ida; Chaia bat Reb Yitzchak HaLevi; Wife of Samuel Karns; Need more information
Katz, Adelaide G. (Levit); Adina bat Ahron HaLevi; Wife of Dr. Albert B. Katz; Daughter of Harry and Bessie D. Levit; Sister of David, Morris J., Joseph L., and Samuel M. Levit
Katz, Dr. Albert B.; Nadav Benyamin ben Meyer HaKohen; Husband of Adelaide G. Katz; Son of Meyer & Mollie Katz
Katz, Fanny; Feina bat Reb Aryah Leib; Wife of H.W. Katz, Mother of Harold Mordecai and Reuben Katz; Maiden name Gorsky; Need more information
Katz, Harold Mordecai; Chaim Mordecai ben Reb Zev Zisel; Son of H.W. Katz; Husband of Lena (Cutler) Katz; Brother of Reuben Katz
Katz, Harry W. (H. W.); Zev Zisel ben Reb Chaim Mordecai; Husband of Fanny Katz; Father of Harold Mordecai and Reuben Katz
Katz, Lena (Cutler); Leah bat Eliezar; Wife of Harold Mordecai Katz; Daughter of Henry Cutler; Sister of Reuben, Benjamin, Lea, Mary, and Otto Cutler
Katz, Reuben; Reuven ben Reb Zev Zisel; Son of H.W. Katz; Brother of Harold Mordecai Katz
Katzman, Toby (Masstab); Tauba bat Zvi; Wife of Abraham M. Katzman; Mother of Renee Katzman
Kempner, Isaak; Reb Yitzchak ben Reb Eliezar HaLevi; Husband of Rachel Kempner; Father of Gertrude Weisbrod, Laurence Kempner and Manny Kempner
Kempner, Laurence; Eliezar ben Yaakov; Husband of Violet M. Kempner; Son of Isaak Kempner and Rachel Kempner; Brother of Gertrude Weisbrod and Manny Kempner
Kempner, Rachel; Ruchel bat Shmuel; Daughter of Samuel and Diana Reemer; Wife of Isaak Kempner; Mother of Gertude Weisbrod, Laurence Kempner and Manny Kempner
Kempner, Violet M. (Schell); Ruchel bat Avraham; Wife of Laurence Kempner; Daughter of Nimrod Nelson Schell and Edith Priscille (Schlegel) Schell; Sister of Robert Nelson Schell, Calvin Schell, Charles Schell, Florence Schell, Mrs. James Shiko, Mrs. Walter Arnold, Mrs. Charles Wiliams, and Mrs. Elva Quariquo; Family from Shamokin.
Kleinman, Rachel; Nov. 22 1924, Needs Rubbing; Need more information
Klemow, Harry; Hillel ben Shmuel Ahron; Son of Samuel and Fanny Klemow; Husband of Rhoda D. Klemow; Father of Marc B. Klemow; Family from Hazleton
Klemow, Rhoda D. (Yudacufski);Rhoda bat Avraham and Sarah; Wife of Harry Klemow; Daughter of Abraham Yudacufski and Sarah (Golding) Yudacufski; Sister of Isadore , Morris and Herman Yudacufski, Julia Cotler and Esther Fox; Mother of Marc B. Klemow
Kline, Elaine; Jan. 21, 1929 ~ Apr. 30, 1930; Daughter of J. Jacy and Fay Kline
Kline, Ethel Lena; Yacha bat Yosef; Mother of Harry L. and Irving Kline
Kline, Harry L.; Reb Zvi ben Reb Shmuel; Son of Ethel Lena Kline; Husband of Margaret Kline; Father of Louis J. Kline; Brother of Irving Kline
Kline, Irving; Yitzchak ben Reb Shmuel; Brother of Harry L. Kline
Kline, (Lewhy) Louis J.; Yosef Leib ben Reb Zvi Hersh; Son of Harry L. and Margaret Kline; Killed in Action in WWII
Kline, Margaret; Miriam bat Rabbi Yaakov; Wife of Harry L. Kline; Mother of Louis J. Kline
Klitzner, Jacob; Yaakov ben Fishel, Son of Fishel and Sara (Sweet) Klitzner; Husband of Margaret Klitzner; Brother of Morris “Moe” Klitzner and Mollie Klitzner; 2nd Husband of Bess (Apple) Malett (Living); Stepfather of Alllan Shepherd Apple
Klitzner, Louise S.; Wife of Morris “Moe” Klitzner; Born Apr. 23, 1921 in Mahanoy City; Died Sun. March 29, 2009; Daughter of Jack and Ida (Tulin) Golin; Sister of Aaron and Baby Golin and Hannah Ellis; Mother of Paul (Klitzner) Gadinski and (Debi Klitzner) Linhard
Klitzner, Margaret (Horowitz); Zisa Mali ben Reb Yitzchak Shlama HaLevi; Wife of Jacob Klitzner; Daughter of Sam and Lena Horowitz of Wilkes-Barre; Sister of Mrs. Bella Abeloff of Philadelphia
Klitzner, Morris “Moe”; Apr. 14 1916 ~ Sept. 1 2006; Son of Fishel and Sarah (Sweet) Klitzner; Husband of Louise S. Klitzner; Brother of Jacob Klitzner and Mollie Klitzner; Father of Paula (Klitzner) Gadinski-Wright and Debi (Klitzner) Linhard
Klitzner, Sarah (Sweet); Sara bat Shimon; Wife of Fishel Klitzner (Buried elsewhere); Mother of Jacob, Mollie, and Morris “Moe” Klitzner; Daughter of Simon and Gittel (Edith) Sweet
Krap, Izrel David; Yisroel David ben Reb Chaim Fishel; Wife of Sarah Laeh (Baden) Krap; Father of Alfred, Meyer, Louis, Phillip Krap and Ruth Spector; Family from Hazelton
Krap, Meyer; Meyer ben Reb Yisroel David; Son of Izrel David and Sarah Laeh Krap; Brother of Alfred, Louis, Phillip Krap and Ruth Spector; Family from Hazelton
Krap, Sarah Laeh (Baden); Sara Leah bat Eliahu; Wife of Izrel David Krap; Mother of Father of Alfred, Meyer, Louis, Phillip Krap and Ruth Spector; Family from Hazelton; Need more information
Krim, Harry; 1887 ~ 1952; Son of Morris and and Pauline Krim; Born in Norway; Brother of Louis and Benjamin Krim and of Ida Krim Berson
Krim, Pauline; Sima Paya bat Reb Shamri; Wife of Morris Krim; Mother of Harry, Louis and Benjamin Krim and of Ida Krim Berson
Lazar, Maurice; August 12, 1918; Killed in France; Born in Philadelphia; Brother of Mrs. Ida Freedland of Lehighton, Pa.; Born Feb. 15, 1894
Lebendig, Abraham; July 4 1887 ~ February 20, 1929; Son of Morris and Sarah (Weinstein) Lebending; Husband of Mamie Spoont Lebendig; Father of Abraham H. Lebending, Mayer Lebendig and Robert Lebendig
Lebendig, Abraham H.; Avraham Chaim ben Reb Avraham; Son of Abraham Lebendig, M.D. and Mamie Spoont Lebendig; Brother of Mayer Lebendig and Robert Lebendig
Lebendig, Mamie Spoont; March 12, 1896 ~ February 3, 1984; Wife of Abraham Lebendig, M.D.; Mother of Robert, Mayer, and Abraham H. Lebendig; Daughter of Max and Ida E. Spoont; Sister of Ivan, Abe, and Harry(?) Spoont
Lefkowitz, Annette Sara; Sara Nachar bat Mordecai; Daughter of Martin K. and Libbie (Horowitz) Lefkowitz; Sister of Roselyn (Horowitz) Mansfield
Lefkowitz, Libbie (Horowitz); Leiva Gittel bat Baruch Mordecai; Sister of Daniel, Alice S. and Samuel Horowitz and Hanna (Horowitz) Trackenberg; Daughter of Max and Rose (Steiner) Horowitz; Mother of Annette Sara Lefkowitz and Roselyn Mansfield
Levin, Anna; Aita Chana bat Reb Eliezar; Husband of Joseph Levin; Mother of Florence, Leo, and Nathan Levin and Jean Levin Friedman; Need more information
Levin, Florence; Fruma Rivka bat Avraham; Daughter of Joseph and Anna Levin; Sister of Leo and Nathan Levin and Jean Levin Friedman
Levin, Joseph; Reb Yosef Ben Reb Yoel; Son of Louis and Unkown Levin; Husband of Anna Levin; Brother of Morris Levin; Father of Florence, Leo, and Nathan Levin, and Jean Levin Friedman
Levin, Leo; Yaakov Yoel ben Reb Yosef; Son of Joseph and Anna Levin; Brother of Florence and Nathan Levin and Jean Levin Friedman
Levine, Abraham J.; Reb Avraham Yosef ben Reb Michel HaLevi; Husband of Bertha/Rebecca G. Levine; Father of Bessie M. Levine and Ruth Levine
Levine, Ben; Baruch Benyamin ben Reb Yitzchak HaLevi; Son of Isaac and Rose Levine; Husband of Viola Lucille Supowit Levine; Brother of Philip, Bessie,and Katie Levine
Levine, Bertha/Rebecca G .; Batya Gittel bat Reb Michel Leib; Wife of Abraham J. Levine; Mother of Bessie M. Levine and Ruth Levine
Levine, Bessie; Born ~ 1847; Died 01/03/1923 at age ~75; Married; Need more information; Need photograph
Levine, Infant; Infant son of Ben and Viola Lucille (Supowitz) Levine; 12/18/1919 ~ 12/20/1919
Levine, Isaac; Reb Yitzchak ben Reb Elimelech HaLevi; Husband of Rose Levine; Father of Katie, Bess, Philip and Ben Levine; Brother of Gertrude Levine Sweet
Levine, Meyer; Meyer ben Yisroel HaLevi; Either son of Harry and Elizabeth Levine of Hazleton or the son of Abraham and Ida Levine of Sugar Notch; 73 years of age; Need more information
Levine, Dr. Michael Mark; Levine, Dr. Michael Mark(2); Michel Moshe ben Reb Asher; Husband of Ivy Levine, Stepfather and confidant/friend of Ian (Jill) Singer, Mika Singer (Seth Blanken), Step-Grandfather (“Mike Mike”) to Samara Singer-Blanken, Zoey Singer-Blanken and Jacob Singer; Brother of Donald Levine and the late Merritt Levine; Son of the late Oscar Levine and Rosyln (Dobzewitz) Levine (both interred in Long Island, New York)
Levine, Philip; Pesach ben Reb Yitzchak HaLevi Levine; Son of Isaac and Rose (Housson) Levine; Brother of Bess, Katie, and Ben Levine
Levine, Rose; Ruchel bat Reb Yosef; Wife of Isaac Levine; Mother of Philip, Bess, Katie, and Ben Levine; Need more information
Levine, Viola Lucille (Supowit); Vichina Leah bat Eliahu; Wife of Ben Levine; Daughter of Elias F. and Sophie Supowit; Sister of Max, Burton, Sidney, Ruth, and Henry Supowit and Florence (Supowit) Robinson and Sadie Supowitz
Levinson, Ella; Elka bat Dov Bar; Wife of Joseph Levinson; Need more information
Levinson, Joseph; Yosef ben Reb Eliezar; Husband of Ella Levinson; Need more information
Levit, Bessie D.; Batya Dvora bat Shimon HaLevi; Wife of Harry Levit; Mother of David, Joseph L., Samuel M., and Morris J. Levit, Theresa Pincus, Sara May Durst and Adelaide G. Katz; Daughter of Simon and Deborah (Rappaport) Sigel; Sister of Boruch D., John, and Louis B. Siegel and Rebecca Rosenthal
Levit, David; David ben Reb Ahron HaLevi; Son of Harry & Bessie Levit; Brother of Joseph L., Samuel M., Morris J. Levit, Theresa Pincus, Sara May Durst and Adelaide G. Katz
Levit, Edithe J. Dr.; Yihodit bat Penachem and Chana Rayzel (Miller); Wife of Dr. Samuel M. Levit; sister of Sylvia Kaufman, born in Wilkes-Barre, practiced in Philadelphia, died Amherst, MA
Levit, Harry; Ahron ben Reb Ava Shlama HaLevi; Husband of Bessie D. Levit; Father of David, Joseph L., Samuel M., Morris J. Levit, Theresa Pincus, Sara May Durst and Adelaide G. Katz; Brother of Max, Sol, and Joseph Levit
Levit, Jeanette; Died Dec. 11 1911; Daughter of Isadore and Annie Levit; Sister of Lilly, Henry, and Raymond Levit; Family from Shenandoah
Levit, Joseph; Yosef ben Rev Ava Shlama HaLevi; Brother of Max, Sol, and Harry Levit
Levit, Joseph L.; Yosef L. ben Reb Ahron HaLevi; Son of Harry and Bessie Levit; Brother of David, Samuel M., Morris J. Levit, Theresa Pincus, Sara May Durst and Adelaide G. Katz
Levit, Max; Menachem Mendel ben Reb Ava Shlama HaLevi; Brother of Harry, Sol, and Joseph Levit
Levit, Morris J.; Moshe ben Ahron HaLevi; Son of Harry & Bessie Levit; Brother of David, Samuel L., Joseph L. Levit, Theresa Pincus, Sara May Durst and Adelaide G. Katz
Levit, Rebecca; Rivka bat Reb Yisroel; Died February 1, 1907 ~ 66 years; Related to Isadore Levit?; Need more information; Need better photograph and rubbing
Levit, Reuben; Reuven ben Reb Leib HaLevi; son of Leib and Edie (Palevnik) Levit Lithuania; nephew of Sol, Max, Harry and Joseph Levit
Levit, Samuel M. Dr.; Shmuel ben Ahron HaLevi; Son of Harry and Bessie D. Levit; Husband of Edithe Levit; Brother of David, Joseph L., Morris J. Levit, Theresa Pincus, Sara May Durst and Adelaide G. Katz
Levit, Sol; Yishayhoo ben Reb Ava Shlama HaLevi; Brother of Harry, Max, and Joseph Levit
Liachowitz, Aaron; Ahron Tovia ben Reb Yaakov Benyamin Liachowitz; Son of Jacob Liachowitz; Husband of Dora Liachowitz; Brother of Isaac Liachowitz
Liachowitz, Clara H. (Riveles); Chaia Hinda bat Reb Yehoshua Yitzchak Liachowitz; Wife of Isaac Liachowitz; Mother of Fannie (Liachowitz) Singer-Trier, Sue (Liachowitz) Janov, Aaron T., Maurice and Louis Liachowitz, and Edward Braddock; Daughter of Isaiah Riveles and Susan E. Soroka; Born Dec. 15, 1867; Family from Mahanoy City
Liachowitz, Dora (Lipsuis); Dvora bat Chaim Nachum; Wife of Aaron Liachowitz; Sister of William and Louis Lipsuis of New York City; Family from Shamokin
Liachowitz, Isaac; Reb Yitzchak ben Reb Yaakov Benyamin; Son of Jacob Liachowitz; Brother of Aaron Liachowitz; Husband of Clara H. (Riveles) Liachowitz; of Fannie (Liachowitz) Singer-Trier, Sue (Liachowitz) Janov, Aaron T., Maurice and Louis Liachowitz, and Edward Braddock; Family from Mahanoy City
Lipkin, Isadore; Issar ben Reb Yisroel; Husband of Mollie Lipkin ; Father of Meyer, Fanny, Samuel J., Evelyn, and Abram Lipkin
Lipkin, Marjorie (Zandle); Michala bat Reb Nataniel; Wife of Samuel J. Lipkin; Need more information
Lipkin, Meyer; May 2, 1907 – June 2, 1928; Meyer ben reb Issar Lipkin; Son of Isadore and Mollie Lipkin; Brother of Fanny, Samuel J., Evelyn, and Abram Lipkin
Lipkin, Mollie; Malka bat Avraham Eliahu; Wife of Isadore Lipkin; Mother of Meyer, Fanny, Samuel J., Evelyn, and Abram Lipkin; Need more information
Lipkin, Samuel J.; Shmuel Simcha ben Reb Isar; Son of Isadore and Mollie Lipkin; Husband of Marjorie Lipkin; Brother of Meyer, Fanny, Evelyn, and Abram Lipkin
Malett, Lt. Col. Leon; Leibish ben Benyamin Baynish; Husband of Sara Harris Malett; Son of Benjamin and Fanny Malett; Brother of Harold, Hannah, Bernard, Ferdinand, Morris, Gertrude, Sylvia, and Adeline Malett; Family from Shamokin
Malett, Sara Rebecca Harris; Sara Rivka bat Shalom Shachna; Daughter of Simon Samuel and Bertha Harris; Sister of Bess (Harris) Apple-Klitzner, Emanuel (Mendel) Harris and Dorothy (Harris) Pollack; Wife of Lt. Col. Leon Malett
Manilla; Baby; 05/03/1920 ~ 05/03/1920; Son of Charles (a different Charles than the one below) and Gertrude (Simon); Manilla; Brother of Blanche Manilla; Need photograph
Manilla, Annie; Hadassah bat Yehoshua; Wife of Nathan Manilla; Mother of Charles and Milton Manilla; Need more information
Manilla, Blanche; 08/07/1915 ~ 04/25/1916; Daughter of Charles (a different Charles than the one below) and Gertrude (Simon) Manilla; Sister of Baby Manilla; Need photograph
Manilla, Charles; Nashar ben Natan; Son of Nathan and Annie Manilla; Brother of Milton Manilla
Manilla, Milton; Moshe ben Natan; Son of Nathan and Annie Manilla; Brother of Charles Manilla
Manilla, Nathan; Natan ben Reb Yehoshua; Son of Charles (a different Charles than either of the two referenced above) and Gertrude (Roby?) Manilla; Husband of Annie Manilla; Father of Charles and Milton Manilla
Marateck, Abraham H.;(1); Avraham Zvi ben Reb Shlama Zelman; Husband of Sarah Marateck, Son of A.H. Marateck and Sarah Hachbaum; Father of Jules, Morris and Ruth Marateck
Marateck, Abraham H.; (2); Avraham Zvi ben Reb Dov; Husband of Mary (Schoffstall) Marateck; Father of Baby Marateck
Marateck, Barney; Reb Dov Bar ben Reb Shlama Zelman; Husband of Dora Marateck; Brother of Abraham H. Marateck(1); Father of Tessie Marateck
Marateck, Baby; Daughter of Abraham H.(2) and Mary (Schoffstall?) Marateck; 12/26/1923 ~ 12/26/1923; Need photograph
Marateck, Dora; Dobra bat Menachem Mendel; Wife of Barney Marateck; Daughter of Morris Wolman and Leah Schlossberg; Mother of Tessie Marateck
Marateck, Jules S.; Son of Abraham H.(1) and Sarah (Hachbaum) Marateck; Brother of Ruth and Morris Marateck; Need photograph
Marateck, Mary (Schoffstall); Marka ben Reb Leepa; Wife of Abraham H. Marateck(2); Mother of Baby Marateck
Marateck, Morris; Son of Abraham H(1) and Sarah (Hachbaum) Marateck; July, 1924 ~ November 4, 1925; Brother of Jules and Ruth Marateck; Need photograph
Marateck, Ruth; Ruchel bat Avraham; Daughter of Abraham H. Marateck(1) and Sarah (Hocbom?) Marateck; Brother of Jules and Morris Marateck
Marateck, Sarah (Houchbaum); Sara Dvora bat Reb Zvi Meyer; Wife of Abraham H. Marateck(1), Mother of Jules (Jack), Morris and Ruth Marateck; Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Houchbaum (Poland); Sister of Mrs. Itska Grossman (Poland)
Marks, Sarah B. (Bohorad); Sara Marks; Probably wife of Robert Marks; Born ~ 1902; From Ashland; Wife of Robert Marks; Daughter of Nathan Bohorad and Bessie Posner
Marshall, Sarah; Sara bat Reb Yaakov Benyamin; Need more information
Matlow, Ida; Chaia bat David; Daughter of David and Goldi Matlow; Sister of Louis J. Matlow and Joseph Matlow
Matlow Garfunkle, Jennie (Block/Bloch); Ganya bat Shmuel; Wife of Louis J. Matlow; Daughter of Samuel and Toby/Golda (Coopersmith) Block/Bloch; Sister of Tillie (Block/Bloch) Guzinsky; Charles X. Block; Mother of Dedell Fay (Matlow) Bloch, Dorothy (Matlow) Wolfe, and Ruth (Matlow) Schwartz; Family from Girardville/Shenandoah
Matlow, Louis J.; Yehuda Leib ben Reb David; Husband of Jennie Block Matlow; Brother of Ida and Joseph Matlow; Son of David Matlow and Goldie Levit; Father of Sedell Fay (Matlow) Bloch,Dorothy (Matlow) Wolfe, and Ruth (Matlow) Schwartz
Mattis, Gershan; Gershan ben Reb Moshe Meyer; Husband of Tillie Kaplan Mattis; Sister of Ida, Sidney and Kay Mattis
Mattis, Ida; Chaia bat Moshe Meyer HaLevi Sister of Kay, Sidney and Gershan Mattis
Mattis, Kay; Keela bat Moshe Meyer HaLevi; Sister of Ida, Sidney and Gershan Mattis
Mattis, Morris M.; Reb Moshe Mayer ben Reb Mordecai Yaakov; Father of Kay, Ida, Sidney, and Gershan Mattis
Mattis, Sidney; Zusman ben Reb Moshe Mayer; Brother of Kay, Ida, and Gershan Mattis
Mattis, Tillie Kaplan; Chaia Tovi bat Aryah Leib; Wife of Gershan Mattis; Daughter of Harry and Sara (Friedman) Kaplan of Scranton; Sister of Mrs. Frieda (Kaplan) Gutterman and Mrs. Lillian (Kaplan) Connor.
McGuire, Rose Abeshaus; Ruchel bat Reb Yehuda Leib; Wife of Martin McGuire; Daughter of Louis and Rachael (Clibanoff) Abeshaus; Sister of Jennie, Samuel A., and Mollie Abeshaus, Sadie (Abeshaus) Weinschel and Zelda (Abeshaus) Kivitz
Meisel, Simon; Died: Apr. 22, 1939; Aged 61 years; Husband of Mary Meisel; Father of Sylvia Meisel
Meshel, Philip E.; Fishel Eliahu ben Saul Yonah; Husband of Rose A. Meshel; Son of Samuel Meshel and Esther (Holtzman) Meshel
Meshel, Rose A. (Alshutz); Rayyzel bat Ahron Baruch; Wife of Philip E. Meshel; Daughter of Bernard and Hattie Alshutz; Sister of David H., Lillian and Fannie Alshutz
Meyers, Beatrice; March 24, 1915 – July 9, 2001; Daugther of Oscar and Rose Meyers; Sister of Leon Meyers; Family from Frackville
Meyers, Leon M.; Moshe Leib ben Reb Asher; Son of Oscar and Rose (Resnick) Meyers
Meyers, Oscar; Reb Asher ben Reb Leib Ziskind; Husband of Rose (Resnick) Meyers; Father of Leon M. Meyers; Son of Leib Ziskind Meyers and Minnie Alper
Meyers, Rose (Resnick); Ruchel bat Moshe Hershel; Wife of Oscar Meyers; Mother of Leon M. Meyers; Need more information
Miller, Gertrude; Gittel bat Reb Yaakov; Wife of Samuel W. Miller; Need more information
Miller, Samuel; Died Apr. 29 1908(?) Aged 11 yrs.; Need more information
Miller, Samuel; Sept. 28, 1924 – October 6, 1924; Son of Hyman Miller and Rose (Krasno) Miller; Family from Mahanoy City; Need Photograph
Miller, Samuel W.; The Levi Alexander ben Reb Nachman; Husband of Gertrude Miller
Moss, John; Yaakov ben Yosef; Husband of Renee Moss nee Katzman; Son of Joseph H. and Hattie (Josephson) Moss; Born in London, England; Father of Jonathan H., William S. and Harriett E. Moss; Brother of Albert Moss
Moss, Renee (Katzman); Ruchel bat Avraham; Wife of John Moss; From Orwigsburg; Born in Brooklyn on April 3, 1925; Daughter of Abe M. and Toby Masstab Katzman; Mother of Jonathan H., William S. and Harriett E. Moss
Moyer, Moses; March 24, 1815 ~ June 30, 1888; Husband of Catherine (Miller) Moyer; Father of Benjamin Moyer and Agnes Moyer; Family buried in IOOF Cemetery in Shenandoah Heights
Neiman, Dora (Wasserman); 1891 ~ 1935; Wife of Samuel Neiman; Daughter of Nathan Wasserman and Ethel (Shefmar) Wasserman; Mother of Helen Neiman
Neiman, Helen; Sept. 2 1917 ~ Feb. 14 1929; Daughter of Samuel and Helen Neiman
Obelsky, Benjamin; Benyamin ben Reb Yehuda; Son of Jacob and Bessie (Eitzel?) Obelsky, Brother of Hannah, Max, and Rebecca, Benjamin, and Rose Obelsky; Husband of Bessie Obelsky
Obelsky, Bessie (Eitzel?); Batya bat Kaddish Eitzel; Wife of Jacob Obelsky; Mother of Hannah, Max, Rebecca, Benjamin and Rose Obelsky; Need more information
Obelsky, Hannah; Chana bat Reb Yehuda; Daughter of Jacob and Bessie (Eitzel?) Obelsky; Sister of Benjamin, Max, Rose, and Rebecca Obelsky
Obelsky, Jacob, Obelsky, Jacob(2); Yehuda ben Reb Zelig Obelsky; Son of Zelig and Annie Obelsky; Husband of Bessie (Eitzel?) Obelsky; Father of Benjamin, Hannah, Rose, Max, and Rebecca Obelsky
Obelsky, Max; Mordecai ben Reb Yehuda; Son of Jacob and Bessie (Eitzel?) Obelsky; Brother of Benjamin, Rose, Hannah, and Rebecca Obelsky
Obelsky, Rebecca; Rivka bat Reb Yehuda; Daughter of Jacob and Bessie (Eitzel?) Obelsky; Sister of Benajamin, Hannah, Rose, and Max Obelsky
Oberson, Bernard; May 13 1926 ~ June 11 1930; Son of Isadore and Fannie Oberson; Brother of Florence, Saul, Calvin, and Mildred Oberson; Maternal grandfather was Joseph Friesbery; Family from Mahanoy
Oberson, Mary; Miriam bat Reb Danav Eli HaKohen; Wife of Charles Oberson; Mother of Henry and Abraham Oberson; Need more information
Orkin, Abe; Avraham ben Reb Yitzchak; Son of Isaac and Annie Orkin; Brother of Seymour F. Orkin
Orkin, Annie; Reina bat Reb Yitzchak Ava; Husband of Isaac Orkin; Need more information
Orkin, Clara; Tzvia bat Reb Yitzchak; Daughter of Isaac and Rosie (Jaffe/Jaffa) Orkin; 1903 ~ 04/16/1917; Sister of Abe, Eva and Seymour F. Orkin
Orkin, Hannah; Chana Orkin; Daughter of Isaac and Annie (Jobachi?) Orkin; Died 10/05/1926 at ~ 70 years
Orkin, Herman; Reb Yarmayhu ben Reb Shmuel Fishel Orkin; Need more information
Orkin, Isaac; Reb Yitzchak Isaac ben Reb Ephraim Fishel HaLevi; Husband of Annie Orkin
Orkin, Rose (Jaffe/Jaffa); Rud(?) Esna(?) Orkin bat Reb Ava Jaffa; Husband of Isaac Orkin; Mother of Eva, Clara, Seymour F. and Abe Orkin; Daughter of Abe and Rose Jaffa/Jaffy; Sister of Annie (Jaffa/Jaffy) Fletcher
Orkin, Ruth Adelaide; Died August 9, 1909; Aged 11 Weeks; Need more information
Orkin, Seymour F.; Shmuel ben Yitzchak HaLevi; Son of Isaac and Annie Orkin; Brother of Abe Orkin; Husband of Ruth (Evans) Orkin
Osipow, Aaron, Osipow, Aaron(2); Reb Aharon ben Reb Yosef Osipow; Husband of Ida Osipow; Father of Libby Osipow; Family from Mahanoy City
Palletz, Abraham; Avraham Menachem ben Reb Yosef; Husband of Rose Palletz; Father of Louis, Sadie, and Ida Palletz; Family from Mahanoy City
Pavloff, Anna; Chana Sara bat Reb Zvi; Wife of Leon Pavloff; Father of Evelyn Pavloff; Family from Marion Heights (Northumberland County)
Pavloff, Leon; Reb Aryah Leib ben Reb Ashar; Husband of Anna Pavloff; Mother of Evelyn Pavoloff; Family from Marion Heights (Northumberland County)
Peckman, Harold; Reb Rachmiel ben Reb Menusha; Husband of Son of Nathan and Fannie (Supowitz) Peckman; Brother of Ceral Peckman; Family from Minersville
Penn, Charles; Zelik ben Yosef; Husband of Minnie Penn; Brother of David, Hilda, Emma, Sarah, and Herman Penn
Penn, David; David ben Yosef; Husband of Freda Penn Schlanger; Brother of Charles, Hilda, Emma, Sarah, and Herman Penn
Penn Schlanger, Freda (Narrow); Freda bat Avraham; Daughter of Abraham and Bessie Narrow of Shepton; Wife of David Penn; Wife of Max Schlanger
Penn, Herman H.; Hershel ben Yosef; Husband of Reba Shirley (Narrow) Penn; Brother of Charles, Hilda, Emma, Sarah, and David Penn
Penn, Ida; Chaia bat Chaim HaKohen; Wife of Joseph Penn; Mother of Charles, David, Herman, Hilda, Emma, and Sarah Penn; Need more information
Penn, Joseph; Yosef ben Reb Sarga; Husband of Ida Penn; Father of Charles, David, Hilda, Emma, Sarah, and Herman Penn
Penn, Minnie; Minka bat Mordecai Aryah; Wife of Charles Penn; Maiden name Moskovitz; Need more information
Penn, Reba Shirley (Narrow); Sara Rivka bat Zeev; Wife of Herman H. Penn
Pierce, Ruth Friedman;Freida Rhoda bat Yitzchak Isaac; Daughter of Irving (Isadore) and Jean Levin Friedman
Pilvinsky, Jacob; Yaakov ben Reb Yitzchak Pilvinsky; Husband of Lena Pilvinsky; Father of Gussie, Isadore, Rena, Abe, Dorothy, Meyer, Ida, and Mildred Pilvinsky
Pilvinsky, Lena; Rivka Leah bat Reb Aryah Leib; Wife of Jacob Pilvinsky; Mother of Gussie, Isadore, Rena, Abe, Dorothy, Meyer, Ida, and Mildred Pilvinsky; Need more information
Pollack, Jerome; Pollack Jerome (2); Yehoshua Dov ben Reb Hirsch; Son of Harry and Ida (Freshman) Pollack; Husband of Dorothy (Harris) Pollack; Father of Ivy Levine and Arlene Lehner (buried in Silver Spring, Md.); Brother of Dorothy Pollack and Seymour Pollack
Prensky, Dora; Dovrosha bat Avraham Vulful HaKohen; Daughter of Unknown and Dora (Azersky); Wife of Joseph Prensky; Mother of Milton and Ruth Prensky
Prensky, Joseph; Reb Tanacham ben Reb Avraham; Husband of Dora Prensky; Father of Milton and Ruth Prensky
Prensky, Meyer; Reb Meyer ben Reb Michel Prensky; Son of Michael and Uknown (Peffer) Prensky; Husband of Lena Prensky
Rabinowitz, Gitel; Gitel bat Reb Yitzchak Isaac; Husband of Simon Rabinowitz; Need more information
Rabinowitz, Simon; Shimon ben Reb Mordecai Rabinowitz; Husband of Gitel Rabinowitz; 1836 ~ 03/24/1917
Rachman, Jacob D.; Reb Yaakov David ben Reb Yakir; Husband of Minnie L. Rachman; Father of Jennie, Ethel, and Leo Rachman; Family from Coaldale
Rachman, Leo; Eliezar ben Reb Yaakov David Rachman; Son of Jacob D. and Minnie L. Rachman; Brother of Jennie and Ethel Rachman; Family from Coaldale
Rachman, Minnie L.; Mina Leah bat Reb Shimon; Mother of Jennie, Ethel, and Leo Rachman; Family from Coaldale; Need more information
Rachman, Norman S.; May 2, 1920 ~ June 6, 1920; Need more information
Ragorotsky, Esther; Esther Rivka bat Reb Yosef; Wife of Jacob Ragortsky; Mother of Sylvia Director, Martin and Libby Ragorotsky
Regelman, Bessie N. (Shepwol); Blooma Nacha bat Zvi Leib; Daughter of Harold and Joan (Smith) Shepwol, Wife of Joseph Regelman; Mother of Abraham, Sidney, and Silvia Regelman
Regelman, Eleanor; Elka bat Shmuel; Wife of Sidney Regelman; Mother of Leah Regelman; Maiden name Gelb; Sister of Frances, Alice, Florence, and William; All were residents at the Jewish Home for the Friendless in Scranton (listed as “Inmates”) in 1930 – Was this an orphanage?
Regelman, Joseph; Reb Yehuda ben Reb Yosef Benyamin; Song of Abraham B. and Pauline (Unknown) Regelman; Husband of Bessie N. (Shepwol) Regelman; Father of Abraham, Silvia, and Sidney Regelman
Regelman, Leah; Chana bat Zisel; Daughter of Sidney and Eleanor Regelman
Regelman, Sidney; Zisel ben Yehuda; Son of Joseph and Bessie N. (Shepwol) Regelman; Husband of Eleanor Regelman; Father of Leah Regelman; Brother of Abraham and Silvia Regelman
Regelman, Silvia; Tziva bat Yehuda Regelman; Sister of Sidney Regelman; Daughter of Joseph and Bessie N. (Shepwol) Regelman; Sister of Abraham and Sidney Regelman
Rich, Joseph; Yosef Yitzchak ben Shmuel Menachem Rich; Husband of Rae Rich; Need more information
Rich, Rae; Ruchel bat Yikutiel; Wife of Joseph Rich; Daugther of Charles and Julia Rudberg; Sister of Nathan, Israel, Sadie, and Harry Rudberg
Richman, Anna (Richman); Chaia bat Reb Aharon; Daughter of Aaron and Dinah (Unknown) Richman; Wife of Max L. Richman; Mother of Harry Laurence, Joseph, Moe and Irving Richman and Celia Shapson nee Richman
Richman, Florence; Frooma bat Reb Yosef; Wife of Irving Richman; Mother of Joseph and Arnold Richman Richman, Harry Laurence; Hersh Leizer ben Mendel Leib; Husband of Jean Richman; Son of Max L. and Anna Richman; Brother of Joseph, Irving and Moe Richman and Celia Shapson nee Richman
Richman, Irving; Yitzchak Zev ben Mendel Leib; Husband of Florence Richman; Son of Max L. and Anna Richman; Brother of Harry Laurence, Joseph, and Moe Richman and Celia Shapson nee Richman; Father of Joseph and Arnold Richman Richman, Jean; Shayndal bat Yitzchak David; Wife of Harry Laurence Richman
Richman, Max L.; Mendel Leib ben Reb Zelig Benyamin; Husband of Anna Richman; Father of Harry Laurence, Moe, Joseph, and Irving Richman and Celia Shapson nee Richman
Richman, Moe; Moshe ben Mendel Leib; Son of Max L. and Anna Richman; Brother of Harry Laurence, Joseph, and Irving Richman and Celia Shapson nee Richman
Rigberg, E.; Family from McAdoo, Pottsville, Port Carbon and Saint Clair; This could be Alexander Rigberg – information states that an Alexander Rigberg, the husband of Barucha Batsheva (Viseltier) Rigberg and father of Morris, Mike, Jake, Lizzie, Jenny and Sam Rigberg drowned while swimming in a resevoir. The resevoir was drained and his body was interred in a Jewish Cemetery in Shenandoah, Pa.; Needs Rubbing
Robinson, Florence Supowit; Freida bat Eliahu; Daughter of Ellis and Sophie Supowit; Sister of Viola Lucille (Supowit) Levine and Sadie Supowitz
Robinson, Ida; Chara bat Reb Yitzchak Hersh; Wife of Isaac Robinson; Need more information
Robinson, Isaac; Yitzchak Isaac ben Reb Doc Rubinski; Husband of Ida Robinson; Need more information
Rosenbaum, Ruth Sorin; Rut bat Rivka and Menachem Mendel; Daughter of Max and Rebecca Sorin; Sister of David, Reuben, Sylvia, Milton and Joshua Sheila Sorin and of Mildred Sorin Hershinson and Frances Sorin Goldberg.
Rosenthal, Rebecca (Sigel); Riva Rosenthal bat Reb Shimon Sigel; Daughter of Simon and Deborah (Rappaport) Sigel; Sister of Boruch, John, and D. Siegel and Louis B. Sigel, and Bessie Levit; Wife of Jacob Rosenthal(?); Mother of Isadore, Benjamin, and Edith Rosenthal(?); Family from Philadelphia (Jacob originally from Wilkes-Barre); Need more information
Rubin, Baby; Son of Jacob and Lena (Yudacufski?) Rubin; Brother of Mildred, Maurice and Louis Rubin; Need photograph
Rubin, Jacob; Reb Yaakov ben Reb Meyer Chaim; Son of Meyer and Lena (Yudacufski?) Rubin; Brother of Mildred, Maurice and Louis Rubin
Rubin, Lena (Yudacufski?); Leiva Freida bat Reb Dov Bar; Daughter of Uknown Yudacufski(?) and Unknown (Peirl?) Yudacuski(?); Wife of Meyer Rubin; Mother of Jacob, Mildred, Maurice, and Louis Rubin
Rubin, Meyer; Reb Meyer Chaim ben Reb Benyamin Moshe; Son of Moses and Unknown Rubin; Husband of Lena (Yudacufski?) Rubin; Father of Baby, Jacob, Mildred, Maurice, and Louis Rubin
Rubin, Philip; Died Apr. 24 1923; Aged 10 Years; Need more information
Rubinsky, Abraham; Avraham ben Reb Moshe Aryah HaKohen Rubinsky; Son of Moses and Sarah Rubinsky; Brother of Ellie and Charles Rubinsky
Rubinsky, Anna (Yarofsky?); Hana Braina bat Dov; Wife of Hyman Rubinsky; Mother of Ida, Harry, Jean, Mary (Rubiuski) and Isadore Rubinsky, Hannah Suravitz (Supowitz), Pauline Rubinsky Wolfson and Hattie Rubinsky Spielman
Rubinsky, Charles; Died May 21, 1897; Need more information
Rubinsky, Harry; Hershel ben Reb Chaim Bar HaKohen; Son of Hyman and Anna (Yarofsky?) Rubinsky; Brother of Ida, Jean, Mary (Rubisuki) and Isadore Rubinsky, Hannah Suravitz (Supowitz), Pauline Rubinsky Wolfson and Hattie Rubinsky Spielman
Rubinsky, Hyman; Chaim ben Reb Dov Bar HaKohen; Son of Bernard and Sarah (Silverman) Rubinsky; Husband of Anna (Yarofsky?) Rubinsky; Father of Ida, Harry, Jean, Mary (Rubiuski) and Isadore Rubinsky, Hannah Suravitz (Supowitz), Pauline Rubinsky Wolfson and Hattie Rubinsky Spielman; Brother of Moses Rubinsky
Rubinsky, Isadore; Yisroel ben Chaim Dov Bar HaKohen; Son of Hyman and Anna (Yarofsky?) Rubinsky; Husband of Mame (Heisler) Rubinsky, Brother of Ida, Harry, Jean and Mary (Rubiuski) Rubinsky, Hannah Suravitz (Supowitz), Pauline Rubinsky Wolfson and Hattie Rubinsky Spielman
Rubinsky, Jean; Shayndel bat Reb Chaim HaKohen; Daughter of Hyman and Anna (Yarofsky?) Rubinsky; Sister of Ida, Harry, Mary (Rubiuski) and Isadore Rubinsky, Hannah Suravitz (Supowitz), Pauline Rubinsky Wolfson and Hattie Rubinsky Spielman
Rubinsky, Moses; Moshe Aryah Leib HaKohen ben Reb Dov Bar Rubinsky; Son of Bernard and Sarah (Silverman) Rubinsky; Husband of ?????; Brother of Hyman Rubinski; Father of Abraham, Charles, and Ellie Rubinsky
Rubiuski, Mary, Rubiuski, Mary(2); Miriam bat Reb Chaim Rubiuski; Hebrew lettering spells RUBINSKY; This is probably who the census referred to as HATTIE RUBINSKI; Daughter of Hyman and Anna (Yarofsky?) Rubinski; Sister of Ida, Harry, Jean and Isadore Rubsinksy, Hanna Suravitz (Supowitz), Pauline Rubinsky Wolfson and Hattie Rubinsky Spielman
Rudberg, Charles; Yikutiel ben Avraham; Husband of Julia Rudberg; Father of Israel and Nathan, Harry, Sadie Rudberg Braude, and Rae Rich
Rudberg, Israel; Katriel ben Yikutiel; Husband of Louise H. Rudberg; Son of Charles and Julia Rudberg; Brother of Nathan and Harry Rudberg, Rae Rich, and Sadie Rudberg Braude
Rudberg, Julia; Yochvad bat Nachmayhu; Wife of Charles Rudberg; Mother of Israel and Nathan, Israel, and Harry Rudberg, Rae Rich, and Sadie Rudberg Braude
Rudberg, Louise H. (Herr); Leah bat Chaim Yosef; Wife of Israel Rudberg; Need more information
Rudberg, Nathan; Nachmia ben Yikutiel Rudberg; Husband of Sadie Rudberg; Son of Charles and Julia Rudberg; Brother of Israel and Harry Rudberg, Rae Rich, and Sadie Rudberg Braude
Rudberg, Norman; Avraham Nachman ben Reb Zvi Hersh; Need photograph; Need more information
Rudberg, Sadie (Frieband); Zelmana bat Reb Noach; Wife of Nathan Rudberg; Daughter of Noah and Tillie Frieband; Sister of Leo, Samuel, Bertha, and Annie Frieband (Freiband) and Rose Wolman
Schatzberg, Dorothy; 1924 ~ 1926; Need more information
Schlanger, Dorothy (Tobias); Dvora bat Shmuel; Wife of William Schlanger; Mother of Max, Catherine, and Esther Schlanger
Schlanger, William; Zev Vulf ben Reb Yitzchak; Son of Ignatz and Gertrude (Feldman) Schlanger; Husband of Dorothy (Tobias) Schlanger; Father of Max, Catherine, and Esther Schlanger
Schless, Ellis; Husband of Mae Shapiro Schless; Father of Maynard Schless
Schless, Mae Shapiro; Michili ben Reb Reuven Shapiro; Wife of Ellis Schless; Mother of Maynard Schless; Daughter of Reuben and Edith Shapiro; Sister of Minnie Shapioro
Schless, Maynard; Michel ben Ellis; Son of Ellis and Mae Shapiro Schless
Schoor, Ben D.; Reb Dov Bar ben Reb David; Son of David (Russia) and Masha Schoor; Brother of Sarah, Max, and Isidore Schoor; Husband of Dora Schoor
Schoor, Benjamin M.; Dov Bar ben Reb Mordecai Yona; Brother of David A. Schoor; Son of Max and Mollie Schoor
Schoor, Betty; Leah bat Reb Shalom Bar; Wife of Sam Schoor
Schoor, David A.; David ben Reb Mordecai Yona; Brother of Benjamin M. Schoor; Son of Max and Mollie Schoor
Schoor, Dora; Died Feb. 1 2011; Haddas bat Shimon; Wife of Ben D. Schoor
Schoor; Gert; Need photograph; Need more information
Schoor, Gussie; Died April 1913; Gosia bat Reb Avraham Yitzchak; Daughter of Isidore and Rebecca (Krouse) Schoor; Sister of Sam, Sydney, Dina, and Burton Schoor
Schoor, Isidore; Avraham Yitzchak ben David; Son of David (Russia) and Masha Schoor; Husband of Rebecca (Krouse) Schoor; Father of Gussie, Sam, Sydney, Dina, and Burton Schoor; Brother of Ben D., Sarah, and Max Schoor
Schoor, Masha; Masha bat Reb Dov Bar; daughter of Bener Rubinchick??; Husband of David (Russia) Schoor; Mother of Max, Sarah, Isidore, and Ben D. Schoor
Schoor, Max; Mordecai Yona ben Reb David; Son of David (Russia) and Masha Schoor; Husband of Mollie Schoor; Brother of Ben D., Sarah, and Isidore Schoor; Father of David A. and Benjamin M. Schoor
Schoor, Mollie (Aronoff); Machla bat Reb Eliahu; Wife of Max Schoor; Mother of David A. and Benjamin Schoor; Sister of Isadore, Samuel, and David Aronoff
Schoor, Rebecca (Krouse); Rivka bat Avraham; Wife of Isidore Schoor; Mother of Sam, Gussie, Sydney, Dina, and Burton Schoor
Schoor, Sam; Sinai ben Avraham Yitzchak; Son of Isidore and Rebecca (Krouse) Schoor; Brother of Gussie, Sydney, Dina, and Burton Schoor; Husband of Betty Schoor
Schoor, Sarah; Sara bat Reb David Zev; Daughter of David (Russia) and Masha Schoor; Sister of Isadore and Max, Ben D., and Isidore Schoor
Seletsnik, Max; Matatcheevein(?) David(?); Lived at home with parents; Need more information
Shanfield, Rose; Died April 19, 1927; Aged 22 Years; Needs better picture; Need more information
Shapiro, Edith; Aita ben Reb Shimon; Wife of Reuben Shapiro; Mother of Mae Shapiro Schless and Minnie Shapiro
Shapiro, Reuben; Reb Reuven ben Reb Yehuda Shapiro; Husband of Edith Shapiro; Father of Mae Shapiro Schless and Minni Shapiro
Shapson, Celia Nee Richman; Celia bat Mendel Leib; Wife of Samuel Shapson; Mother of Lewis and Raymond Shapson; Daughter of Max L. and Anna Richman; Sister of Harry Laurence, Irving, and Moe Richman; Family from Frackville
Sheaman, Clara; Died Nov. 13, 1956; Wife of Harry J. Sheaman; From Pottsville
Sheaman, Harry J.; 1879 ~ 1958; Husband of Clara Sheaman; From Pottsville
Sherman, Abe; Avraham ben Reb Yitzchak; Lived at the Sol Levit residence
Siegel, Anna; Chana Leiva bat Reb Israel Siegel, Daughter of D. Siegel
Siegel, Boruch; Baruch Siegel ben Reb Shimon HaLevi; Son of Simon and Deborah (Rappaport) Sigel; Brother of Louis B., John and D. Sigel/Siegel and Rebecca Rosenthal, Edith Goodman and Bessie Levit
Siegel, D.; Israel David ben Reb Shimon Siegel HaLevi; Son of Simon and Deborah (Rappaport) Sigel; Brother of Boruch, John, and Louis B. Sigel/Siegel and Rebecca Rosenthal, Edith Goodman, and Bessie Levit; Father of Anna Siegel
Sigel, Louis B.; Leib Beryl ben Reb Shimon HaLevi; Son of Simon and Deborah (Rappaport) Sigel; Brother of Boruch, John, D. Sigel/Siegel and Rebecca Rosenthal, Edith Goodman and Bessie Levit
Sigel (Segal); John; Son of Simon and Anna (Rappaport) Sigel; Brother of Boruch, Louis B., and D. Sigel/Siegel, Rebecca Rosenthal, Edith Goodman and Bessie Levit; Need Photograph
Sigel, Simon; Shimon ben Reb Aryah Siegel HaLevi; Husband of Deborah (Rappaport) Sigel; Father of Boruch, Louis B., John, and D. Sigel/Siegel and Rebecca Rosenthal, Edith Goodman and Bessie Levit
Simpson, B.S.; Benyamin Shavti ben Penachim Gadliah; Need more information
Siswein, Abraham; Avraham Sisvein ben Reb Yisroel; Son of Israel and Jenny Siswein (Died in Austria); Husband of Mollie (Baer) Siswein; Father of Jennie Berger, Rosie, George, and Israel Siswein
Siswein, Daniel A.; Daniel A. (2); Son of Joseph and Helen Siswein; Brother of David G. Siswein
Siswein, David G.; Son of Joseph and Helen Siswein; Brother of Daniel A. Siswein
Siswein, George; Gadol ben Reb Avraham; Husband of Irene (Silverstein) Siswein; Son of Abraham and Mollie (Baer) Siswein; Father of Harold I. Siswein and Rose (Siswein) Kandill; Brother of Jennie Berger, Rosie and Israel Siswein
Siswein, Harold I.; Zvi ben Gadol; Son of George and Irene (Silverstein) Siswein; Brother of Rose (Siswein) Kandill and (maybe) Shemrat (stillborn boy) Siswein
Siswein, Helen; Wife of Joseph Siswein; Mother of David G. and Daniel A. Siswein Siswein
Siswein, Herbert “Skippy”; Hertzl ben Gdalya; Son of George and Irene Silverstein Siswein; Brother of Miriam Golnick August, Rose Kandell, and Harold, Ruben, William, Joseph and Irving Siswein; Father of Francine Childers and Alan Siswein
Siswein, Irene (Silverstein); Chai bat Shimon Sisvein; Wife of George Siswein; Mother of Harold I. Siswein and Rose (Siswein) Kandill
Siswein, Israel; Yisroam ben Rebbi Avraham; Husband of Sarah Siswein; Son of Abraham and Mollie (Baer) Siswein; Brother of Jennie Berger, Rosie and George Siswein
Siswein, Joseph; Joseph (2); Husband of Helen Siswein; Father of David G. and Daniel A. Siswein
Siswein, Mollie (Baer): Malka Sisvein bat Shmuel; Daughter of Samuel and Unknown Baer; Wife of Abraham Siswein; Mother of Jennier Berger, Rosie, George, and Israel Siswein
Siswein, Reubin; Reuven ben Gadliah; Need more information
Siswein, Sarah (Bloom); Sara Mina bat Reb Mordecai Moshe; Daughter of Max and Ida (Friedman) Bloom; Wife of Israel Siswein Siswein Family Stone; Joseph, Helen, David A., Daniel
Siswein Plot Donation: For Shemrat; Donated in Memory of Abraham and Mollie Siswein; This could be for the stillbirth male child of George and Irene (Silverstein) Siswein; Died 03/03/1919; Brother of Harold I. Siswein and Rose (Siswein) Kandill
Smigelsky, A. H.; Chana bat Yishaia(?) Smigelsky; Need more information
Smigelsky, Ettel/Ethel; Ettel bat Reb Mordecai Smigelsky; Daughter of Max and Anna Smigelsky (Interred in Odd Fellows Cemetery)
Smith, Aaron; Aharon ben Reb Aryah; Husband of Ida Smith; Father of Esther Smith
Smith, Esther F.; Esther Feiva(?) bat Aharon; Daughter of Aaron and Ida Smith
Smith, Ida (Fainberg); Chaia bat Zechariah; Wife of Aaron Smith; Mother of Esther Smith
Smith, Sara M.; 1915 ~ 1996; Need more information
Solomon, Bessie; Sheva bat Reb Eliahu; Wife of Charles Solomon; Mother of Harold Solomon
Solomon, Charles; Reb Yisroel Zelig ben Reb Haylal; Husband of Bessie Solomon; Father of Harold Solomon
Solomon, Harold; Hallal ben Reb Yisroel Zelig; Son of Charles and Bessie Solomon
Sorin, David; David ben Reb Menachem Mendel; Son of Max and Rebecca Sorin; Brother of Reuben, Sylvia, Milton and Joshua Sheila Sorin and of Mildred Sorin Hershinson, Frances Sorin Goldberg and Ruth Sorin Rosenbaum
Sorin, Hilda Snyder; Holka bat Beryl; Wife of Reuben Sorin
Sorin, Joshua Sheila; Yehoshua ben Reb Menachem Mendel and Rivka; Son of Max and Rebecca Sorin; Brother of David, Reuben, Sylvia and Milton Sorin and of Mildred Sorin Hershinson, Frances Sorin Goldberg and Ruth Sorin Rosenbaum
Sorin, Max; Menachem Mendel ben Reb David; Husband of Rebecca Sorin; Father of David, Reuben, Sylvia, Milton and Joshua Sheila Sorin and of Mildred Sorin Hershinson, Frances Sorin Goldberg and Ruth Sorin Rosenbaum
Sorin, Milton; Meyer ben Reb Menachem Mendel and Rivka; Son of Max and Rebecca Sorin; Brother of David, Reuben, Sylvia and Joshua Sheila Sorin and of Mildred Sorin Hershinson, Frances Sorin Goldberg and Ruth Sorin Rosenbaum
Sorin, Rebecca (Karll) ; Rivka bat Avraham Nisan; Wife of Max Sorin; Mother of David, Reuben, Sylvia, Milton and Joshua Sheila Sorin and of Mildred Sorin Hershinson, Frances Sorin Goldberg and Ruth Sorin Rosenbaum
Sorin, Reuben; Reuven ben Reb Menachem Mendel; Husband of Hilda Snyder Sorin; Son of Max and Rebecca Sorin; Brother of David, Sylvia, Milton and Joshua Sheila Sylvia Sorin and of Mildred Sorin Hershinson, Frances Sorin Goldberg and Ruth Sorin Rosenbaum
Sorin, Sylvia; Tzifa bat Menachem Mendel; Daughter of Max and Rebecca Sorin; Sister of David, Reuben, Milton and Joshua Sheila Sorin and of Mildred Sorin Hershinson, Frances Sorin Goldberg and Ruth Sorin Rosenbaum
Spector, Elizabeth (Lebendig); Leah bat Avraham; Wife of Harry Spector; Mother of Mayer, Wallace, Samuel H., and Max Spector
Spector, Harry; Reb Zvi ben Reb Avraham Moshe; Husband of Elizabeth Spector, Father of Mayer, Wallace, Samuel H., and Max Spector
Spector, Lillian (Veetal); Leah bat Yehuda; Husband of Mayer Spector; Mother of Mayer, Wallace, Samuel H., and Max Spector; Daughter of Judith Veetal; Sister of Katie and Marcus W. Veetal
Spector, Mary; Miriam bat reb Yitzchak; Wife of Wallace Spector; Need more information
Spector, Max; Reb Michel ben Reb Zvi; Son of Harry and Elizabeth (Lebendig) Spector; Brother of Mayer, Wallace and Samuel H. Spector
Spector, Mayer; Reb Mayer ben Reb Zvi; Husband of Lillian (Veetal) Spector; Son of Harry and Elizabeth (Lebendig) Spector; Brother of Max, Wallace H., and Samuel H. Spector
Spector, Samuel H.; Shlama ben Reb Zvi; Son of Harry and Elizabeth (Lebendig) Spector; Brother of Max, Wallace, and Mayer Spector
Spector, Wallace; Eliahu ben Reb Zvi Hersh; Husband of Mary Spector; Son of Harry and Elizabeth (Lebendig) Spector; Brother of Max, Samuel H., and Mayer Spector
Spoont, Harry; Hillel ben Menachem Mendel; Need more information
Spoont, Ida E. (Meisel); Daughter of Hyman Meisel (Died in Europe); Wife of Max Spoont, Father of Mamie Spoont Lebendig
Spoont, Max; Husband of Ida E. Spoont; Mother of Mamie Spoont Lebendig
Stern, Samuel; Gershon ben Reb Yaakov; Husband of Pauline Stern; Father of Mary, Ida, Jerome, Norman, Maurice, Daniel, Anna, and Bernard Stern; Family from Frackville
Suden, Barnet; Baruch Aharon ben Leib; Husband of Mollie Suden; Jul. 12, 1906 ~ Sept. 1986
Suden, Mollie (Aronoff); Malka bat Reb Yitzchak; Wife of Barnet Suden; Daughter of Isadore and Sophie Aronoff; Sister of Eleanor (Elke) and Burton Aronoff and Sylvia R. Aronoff-Miller
Supowit; Burton L.; Son of Elias F. Supowit (Supowitz) and Sophie (Jacobs) Supowit; Brother of Max, Sidney, Ruth and Henry Supowit and Viola Lucille (Supowit) Levine and Sadie Supowitz
Supowit (Supowitz), Elias F.; Eliahu ben Reb Mordecai; Son of Maxwell Supowitz; Husband of Sophie Supowit; Father of Max, Burton, Sidney, Ruth, and Henry Supowit and Viola Lucille (Supowit) Levine and Sadie Supowitz
Supowit (Supowitz), Sophie (Jacobs); Tzipora bat Menachem Mendel; Daughter of Manheim (Emanual) and Rachel (Levy) Jacobs; Wife of Elias F. Supowit; Mother of Max, Burton, Sidney, Ruth, and Henry Supowit; Viola Lucille (Supowit) Levine and Sadie Supowitz
Supowit (Supowitz), Bailey; Boreet (?) bat Reb Zev; Second wife of Maxwell Supowitz; Mother of Hattie, Isaac, and Hanna Supowitz; Need better photo
Supowitz-Troy, Anna; Anna Roni bat Avram Zelig; Wife of Charles Supowitz; Wife of Ishiah Troy (2d marriage); Daughter of Abraham Kaplan; Sister of Baby, Isadore (Buried in Hazleton), Michel (Isaac/Ike), and Morris Kaplan, Fannie (Kaplan) Arnoff and Bertha (Kaplan) Harris
Supowitz, Charles; Tsodyk ben Avraham Dov; Son of Tilly (Theresa/Tess) (Bradebord/Grossbard) Supowitz (Buried in Pottsville) Husband of Anna Supowitz Troy; Brother of Louis Supowitz (Buried in Pottsville)
Supowitz, Isaac; Reb Yitzchal ben Reb Zelig Supowitz; Died Feb. 27, 1916; Husband of Fannie Oberson (interred in Hometown, PA); Father of Calvin Supowitz (interred in Las Vegas, NV), Saul Frank Supowit and Hannah Friedberg
Supowitz (Suravitz), Maxwell; Mordecai ben Reb Dov Bar; Husband of Hannah (Rubinsky) Suravitz; Husband of Bailey Supowit (2d Marriage); Father of Elias F. Supowit, Hattie, Isaac and Hanna Supowitz
Supowitz., Sadie, Supowit, Sadie(2); Sara bat Rabbi Eliahu; Daughter of Elias F. and Sophie Supowit; Sister of Viola Lucille Supowit Levine and Florence Supowit Robinson
Suravitz (Supowitz), Hannah (Rubinsky); Chana bat Reb Chaim; Wife of Maxwell Supowitz; Daughter of Hyman and Anna (Yarofsky?) Rubinsky; Sister of Ida, Harry, Jean, Mary (Rubiuski) and Isadore Rubinsky, Pauline Rubinsky Wolfson and Hattie Rubinsky Spielman
Sweet, Adeline; Adeline bat Natan; Daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth Sweet; Sister of Gertrude, Simon, and Edith R. Sweet
Sweet, Albert A.; Reb Ava ben Reb David; Son of David and Rose Sweet; Brother of William and Berton Sweet
Sweet, Allen Brian; July 11, 1985; Need more information
Sweet, Alvin; Abraham Sendar ben Mordecai Toviah; Son of Max T. and Rachael Sweet; Brother of Morris, Risa, and Gilbert L. Sweet
Sweet, Berton; Berl Ben David, Son of David and Rose Sweet; Brother of William and Albert
Sweet, David; Reb David ben Reb Shmuel Shimon; Husband of Rose Sweet; Father of William, Albert and Berton Sweet; Brother of Nathan Sweet
Sweet, Edith R.; Etki bat Naytan Yitu; Daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth Sweet; Sister of Gertrude, Adeline, and Simon Sweet
Sweet, Elizabeth L.; Leiva Leah bat Reb Zelman HaLevi; Wife of Nathan Sweet; Mother of Adeline, Gertrude, Simon, and Edith R. Sweet
Sweet, Ethel B.; Aita bat Reb Zev; Wife of William Sweet
Sweet, Gertrude Levine; Gannasiah bat Reb Elimelech HaLevi; Sister of Isaac Levine
Sweet, Gilbert L.; Gershon Leib ben Mordecai Toviah; Son of Max T. and Rachael Sweet; Brother of Morris, Risa, and Alvin Sweet
Sweet, Edith/Gittel (Banks); Gittel bat Yisroel Sweet; Daughter of Isidor and Uknown Banks; Wife of Simon Sweet, Mother of Sarah (Sweet) Klitzner
Sweet, Max T.; Mordecai Toviah ben Reb Shmuel Shimon; Husband of Rachael Sweet; Father of Morris, Risa, Gilbert L., and Alvin Sweet
Sweet, Morris; Moshe ben Reb Mordecai; Son of Max T. and Rachael Sweet; Brother of Gilbert L., Risa, and Alvin Sweet
Sweet, Nathan; Nata Yaakov ben Reb Shmuel Shimon; Husband of Elizabeth Sweet; Father of Adeline, Gertrude, Simon, and Edith R. Sweet
Sweet, Rachael; Ruchel Dvora bat Reb Zelman HaLevi; Husband of Max T. Sweet; Mother of Alvin, Morris, Risa and Gilbert L. Sweet Sweet, Risa; Daughter of Max T. and Rachel Sweet; Sister of Alvin, Morris, and Gilbert L. Sweet
Sweet, Rose; Ruchel bat Reb Zelig; Wife of David Sweet; Mother of William, Albert and Berton Sweet
Sweet, Samford H.; Shmuel Zvi ben Reb Toviah Zvi; Need more information
Sweet, Simon; Reb Shmuel Shimon ben Reb Nata Yaakov Sweet; Husband of Gittel Sweet; Son of Nathan and Elizabeth Sweet; Brother of Gertrude, Adeline, and Edith R. Sweet; Father of Sara (Sweet) Klitzner
Sweet, William; Vulful Yitzchak ben David; Husband of Ethel B. Sweet; Son of David and Rose Sweet; Brother of Albert A. and Berton Sweet
Teitelbaum, Saul; January 29, 1901 ~ January 19, 1902; Teitelbaum family from Luzerne County; Need more information
Tow, Herman; 1918 ~ 2003; Born in Pennsylvania; Need more information
Tow, Ida (Goodman); Chaia bat Reb Eliezar; Daughter of Max and Sarah Goodman; Wife of Joseph Tow; Inmate at Schuylkill County Insane Hospital; Mother of Irving, William, Hiram, and Jacob Tow; Sister of Max and Jacob Goodman
Tow, Irving; Yitzchak ben Reb Yosef; Son of Joseph and Ida Tow
Tulin, Abraham; Avraham ben Reb Shnayor Dov Tulin; Husband of Fanny Tulin; Father of Morris, David, Elizabeth, Leon, William, and Leon Tulin and Ida (Tulin) Golin, and Ruchel Aita bat Reb Avram Tulin
Tulin; Baby; Son of Morris and Mollie (Greenburg) Tulin; 3/15/1923 ~ 03/15/1923 (Premature birth); Need Photograph
Tulin, Fanny; Feina Tulin bat Reb Avraham Eliahu; Mother of Morris, David, Elizabeth, Leon, William, and Leon Tulin, and Ida (Tulin) Golin, and Ruchel Aita bat Reb Avram Tulin
Tulin, Mollie Greenburg; Malka bat Reb Hersh Tulin; Wife of Morris Tulin; Mother of Baby Tulin
Tulin, Tillie; Tziral bat Yisroel Friedman; Need more information
Ufberg, Alfred; Died: 2007; Eliahu ben Yaakov Zeev; Son of Jacob and Minnie Ufberg; Husband of Leah (Abrams) Ufberg; Father of Barbara, Murray, Howard and Robert Ufberg; Brother of Samuel, Dr. Max M., and Dr. David D. Ufberg and Dorothy Ufberg Berson
Ufberg, Barbara; Rivka bat Eliahu; Daughter of Alfred and Leah (Abrams) Ufberferg; Sister of Murray Ufberg, Howard Ufberg, and Robert Ufberg
Ufberg, Barney Morris; Reb Dov Bar ben Reb Moshe; Husband of Fannie (Saperstein) Ufberg; Brother of Jacob Ufberg
Ufberg, Dr. David D.; Reb Dov ben Reb Yaakov Zev; Son of Jacob and Minnie Ufberg; Husband of Helen R. Ufberg; Brother of Alfred, Samuel, and Dr. Max M. Ufberg and Dorothy Ufberg Berson
Ufberg, Dr. Max M.; Mordecai ben Reb Yaakov Zev; Son of Jacob and Minnie Ufberg; Husband of Lillian Ufberg; Brother of Alfred, Samuel, and Dr. David D. Ufberg and Dorothy Ufberg Berson
Ufberg, Fannie Sarah (Saperstein); Feiga Sara bat Reb Zelman; Daughter of Solomon and Zelda (Glichinsky) Saperstein; Wife of Barney Morris Ufberg
Ufberg, Helen R.; Hilda Beila bat Nataniel Ava; Wife of Dr. David D. Ufberg
Ufberg, Jacob; Yaakov Zev ben Moshe; Husband of Minnie Ufberg; Father of Alfred, Samuel, Dr. David D., and Dr. Max M. Ufberg and Dorothy Ufberg Berson; Brother of Barney Ufberg
Ufberg, Leah (Abrams); Died: July 14, 2009; Leah bat Reb Avraham; Daughter of Abraham and Hanna Abrams, Wife of Alfred Ufberg; Mother of Barbara, Murray, Howard and Robert Ufberg
Ufberg, Lillian; Leika bat Simcha; Wife of Dr. Max M. Ufberg
Ufberg, Minnie; Michili bat Reb Yaakov; Wife of Jacob Ufberg; Mother of Alfred, Samuel, Dr. David D., and Dr. Max M. Ufberg and Dorothy Ufberg Berson Ufberg, Nancy Ann; Need Photograph
Ufberg, Rebecca; Rivka bat Ashar; Wife of Samuel Ufberg
Ufberg, Samuel; Zelman ben Reb Yaakov Zev; Son of Jacob and Minnie Ufberg; Husband of Rebecca Ufberg; Brother of Alfred, Dr. David D., and Dr. Max M. Ufberg and Dorothy Ufberg Berson
Veetal, Judith; Yehodit bat Reb Zelman; Mother of Katie and Marucus W. Veetal and Lillian (Veetal) Spector
Veetal, Katie; Rivka bat Yehuda; Sister of Marcus W. Veetal and Lillian (Veetal) Spector
Veetal, Marcus W.; Mordecai Vulfeel ben Reb Yehuda; Husband of Rae A. Veetal; Brother of Katie Veetal and Lillian (Veetal) Spector
Veetal, Rae A.; Ruchel Aita bat Yosef; Wife of Marcus W. Veetal
Wall, Dr. Norman; Wall, Dr. Norman (2); Moshe Nachem ben Zvi; Son of Harry and Etta Wolowitz; Husband of Faye Wall, Father of Jay Wall, Harry Wall and Sharon Wall; Brother of Abraham, Alice, and Hannah Wolowitz, and Frances (Wolowitz) Brown, and Jeanette (Wolowitz) Balk, and Berta (Wolowitz) Mehr and Pvt. Lillian Wolowitz
Wasserman, Etta; Aita Wasserman; Mother of Dora (Wasserman) Neiman
Winograd, Nathan J.; Nachmia ben Chaim Shimon; Son of Hyman and Rebecca Winograd; Husband of Sari R. Winograd;
Winograd, Sari R.; Sara Rivka bat Zelman; Wife of Nathan J. Winograd
Winograd, Hyman; Reb Chaim Shimon ben Reb Leizer Aharon; Husband of Rebecca Winograd; Father of Nathan J. Winograd
Winograd, Rebecca; Basha bat Mendel Leib; Wife of Hyman Winograd; Mother of Nathan J. Winograd
Wisansky, Michael; Reb Michel ben Reb Yaakov Visansky; Father of Osborne A. Wisansky
Wisansky, Osborne A.; Aba ben Reb Michel; Son of Michael Wisansky
Wolf, Gertrude; Gittel bat Elezar Vulf; Daughter of Jacob and Bessie Wolf; Sister of Max and Morris Wolf
Wolf, Max; Mordecai ben Reb Elezar Vulf; Son of Jacob and Bessie Wolf; Brother of Gertrude and Morris Wolf
Wolf, Morris; Died July 10, 1912; Son of Jacob and Bessie Wolfe; Brother of Max and Gertrude Wolf
Wolfe, Bessie (Fine?); Pasha bat Reb Menachem Men; Wife of Jacob Wolfe, Mother of Max, Gertrude, and Morris Wolf
Wolfe, Jacob; Reb Elezar ben Reb Mordecai; Son of Max and Bessie (Fine?) Wolf; Husband of Bessie Wolfe; Father of Max, Gertrude, and Morris Wolf
Wolfson, Harold; Hershel Vulful ben Alyah Leizer; Son of Lewis and Pauline Wolfson; Brother of Shirley Wolfson
Wolfson, Lewis; Alyah Elezar ben Reb Yaakov; Husband of Pauline (Rubinsky) Wolfson; Father of Harold and Shirley Wolfson
Wolfson, Pauline (Rubinsky); Pasha Leah bat Reb Chaim HaKohen; Wife of Lewis Wolfson; Mother of Harold and Shirley Wolfson; Daughter of Hyman and Anna Rubinsky, Sister of Ida, Harry, Jean, Mary (Rubiuski) and Isadore Rubinsky, Hannah (Rubinsky) Suravitz and Hattie Rubinsky Spielman
Wolman, A.; Infant son of Samuel and Rosie (Frieband) Wolman; Brother of Leroy, Arlene and Infant Wolman
Wolman, Bella; Bleema bat Reb Yicheal Moshe; Wife of Carl Wolman; Mother of Libbie and Emanuel Wolman
Wolman, Carl; Reb Chatriel ben Reb Menachem Mendel; Husband of Bella Wolman; Father of Libbie and Emanuel Wolman
Wolman, Infant of S.R.; Died: June 20, 1925; Son of Samuel and Rose (Frieband) Wolman; Sibling of A. Wolman, Leroy and Arlene Wolman; Need more information
Wolman, N.; January 1, 1921 ~ October 7, 1921; Daughter of Isadore Wolman(?); (Helen Wolman?); Need more information
Wolman, Rosie (Frieband); Risa bat Reb Noach; Born: 1897 in Pennsylvania; Mother of A. Wolman, Infant, Leroy and Arlene Wolman;Wife of Samuel Wolman; Daughter of Noah/Nicholas and Tillie Frieband; Sister of Leo, Samuel, Bertha, and Annie (Freiband) Frieband and Sadie Rudberg
Wolowitz, Abraham; Avraham ben Hershel Wolovitz; Husband of Dora Wolowitz, Brother of Alice, Jacob, Pvt. Lillian, and Hannah Wolowitz, and Frances (Wolowitz) Brown, and Jeanette (Wolowitz) Balk, and Bertha (Wolowitz) Mehr and Dr. Normal Wall
Wolowitz, Alice; Bench in memory of Alice Wolowitz, who died nursing in the 1918 flu epidemic in Philadelphia and is buried there; Sister of Abraham, Jacob, Pvt. Lillian, and Hannah Wolowitz, and Frances (Wolowitz) Brown, and Jeanette (Wolowitz) Balk, and Bertha (Wolowitz) Mehr and Dr. Normal Wall
Wolowitz, Dora; Dvora bat Mordecai Wolowitz; Wife of Abraham Wolowitz; Daughter of Max and Anna Smigelsky (Interred in Odd Fellows Cemetery); Sister of Abe, Samuel, Rose, and Joseph, and Ettel Smigelsky
Wolowitz, Etta; Etta bat Reb Yitzchak; Wife of Harry Wolowitz; Mother of Abraham, Alice, Jacob, Pvt. Lillian, and Hannah Wolowitz and Frances (Wolowitz) Brown, and Jeanette (Wolowitz) Balk, and Berta (Wolowitz) Mehr and Dr. Normal Wall
Wolowitz, Hannah; 1898 ~ 1982; Daughter of Harry and Etta Wolowitz; Sister of Abraham, Alice, Jacob, and Pvt. Lillian Wolowitz, and Frances (Wolowitz) Brown, and Jeanette (Wolowitz) Balk, and Berta (Wolowitz) Mehr and Dr. Normal Wall
Wolowitz, Harry; Zvi ben Reb Moshe Nachum; Husband of Etta Wolowitz; Father of Abraham, Alice, Jacob, Pvt. Lillian, and Hannah Wolowitz and Frances (Wolowitz) Brown, and Jeanette (Wolowitz) Balk, and Berta (Wolowitz) Mehr and Dr. Norman Wall
Wolowitz, Jacob; 1892 ~ 1984; Son of Harry and Etta Wolowitz; Brother of Abraham, Alice, Pvt. Lillian and Hannah Wolowitz, and Frances (Wolowitz) Brown, and Jeanette (Wolowitz) Balk, and Berta (Wolowitz) Mehr and Dr. Norman Wall
Wolowitz, Pvt. Lillian; Leah bat Zvi Volovitz; Daughter of Harry and Etta Wolowitz; Sister of Abraham, Alice, and Hannah Wolowitz, and Frances (Wolowitz) Brown, and Jeanette (Wolowitz) Balk, and Berta (Wolowitz) Mehr and Dr. Normal Wall
Yarowsky, Abraham; Reb Baruch Avraham ben Reb Pesach Yarowsky; Son of Philip and Mildred (Alpert) Yarowsky; Brother of Israel and Harry Yarowsky
Yarowsky, Harry; Hersheel ben Meyer Pesach; Son of Philip and Mildred (Alpert) Yarowsky; Brother of Israel and Abraham Yarowsky
Yarowsky, Israel; Yisroel ben Reb Meyer Pesach; Son of Philip and Mildred (Alpert) Yarowsky; Brother of Abraham and Harry Yarowsky
Yarowsky, Mildred (Alpert); Chaia Matlah bat Raffel Meyer; Daughter of Meyer and Dora (Scanlan?) Alpert; Wife of Philip Yarowsky; Mother of Israel, Abraham and Harry Yarowksy; Sister of Joseph Alpert
Yarowsky, Philip; Meyer Pesach ben Reb Dov; Son of Benjamin Yarowsky; Husband of Mildred (Alpert) Yarowsky; Father of Israel, Abraham and Harry Yarowsky
Yarowsky, Ralph; Son of Lillian Yarowsky; Brother of Doris and Leon Yarowsky; Family from Frackville
Youngelson, Samuel; Born: May 15, 1884; Died: January 6, 1951; Need more information
Yudacufski, Abraham; Ava Nachum ben Reb Yosef; Son of Joseph Yudacufski; Husband of Sarah (Golding) Yudacufski; Father of Herman, Morris and Isadore Yudacufski and Rhoda Klemow, Julia Cotler and Esther Fox
Yudacufski, Herman; Chana Mata ben Ava Nachum Yudacufski; Son of Abraham and Sarah (Golding) Yudacufski; Brother of Isadore, and Morris Yudacufski and Rhoda Klemow, Julia Cotler and Esther Fox
Yudacufski, Isadore; Avraham Yitzchak ben Nachum Yudacufski; Son of Abraham and Sarah (Golding) Yudacufski; Brother of Herman and Morris Yudacufski and Rhoda Klemow, Julia Cotler and Esther Fox
Yudacufski, Joseph; Reb Yosef Yudacufski ben Reb Ashar(?); Father of Abraham Yudacufski
Yudacufski, Sarah (Golding); Tasharna Gita bat Shmuel; Wife of Abraham Yudacufski; Mother of Herman, Morris and Isadore Yudacufski, Rhoda Klemow, Julia Cotler and Esther Fox
Yanuski, Joseph Y.; Husband of MaryYanuski; Stepfather of Mildred, Helen, Eleanor, Albert, Joseph, and Mary Sabestinas; Needs Rubbing
Zeberg, Meyer; Meyer (Myer) Zeberg; Born: Feb. 12, 1888 in Lithuania; Died: November 17, 1942; Lived at the Max Sorin residence; Need more information
Reb Aba ben Reb Chaim Peterson; Died June 22, 1915; Need photograph
Fruma bat Reb Aharon Chamitah; Sister of Ruchel Laila bat Reb Aharon Chamitah; Need more information
Ruchel Laila bat Reb Aharon Chamitah; Sister of Frooma Bat Reb Aharon Chamitah; Born June 27, 1895; Died April 25, 1899
Avraham Ava ben Reb Yitzchak Isaac Meyerzegar; Died Feb. 22, 1886; Need more information
Zalman Dov ben Reb David; Need more information
Aryah Leib ben Reb Shmuel; Died 1st Nisan 5672 (1911/1912); Need more information
Mayvi Krichevsky bat Reb Mordecai; Mrs. Minnie Krichevsky daughter of Mordecai; Died at the age of 80 years; 2nd Iyyar 5675 (1914/1915); This is probably the same woman on the death certificate for Manie Krichewsky; Daughter of Marcus Grossman; Died May 1, 1918 at approximate age of 70; Need more information
Hilda bat Avraham Goldman; Died: 1901; Daughter of Abraim and Rebecca Goldman; Sister of Joseph Goldman; This is probably who the census refers to as Ida
Ruchel Aita bat Reb Avraham Tulin; Daughter of Abraham and Fannie Tulin; Sister of William, David, Morris, Elizabeth (Tillie?), and Leon Tulin, and Ida (Tulin) Golin; Need more information
Miriam Leah bat Reb Dov; Need more information; Needs Rubbing and Cleaning
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